New Houses

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Take a step outside your house
And have a look around, it's all the same to me

Alex flinched as Ashlyn clapped her on the shoulder. Kelley suddenly appeared on her side with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, she wouldn't fall for my distraction."

Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head. Ashlyn was determined, she would have gotten to Alex no matter what.

"Is there something I can help you with," Tobin passes a ball to her and she rolls it back and forth with the toe of her boot.

She hopes the act makes her look a lot less anxious then she feels. Kelley knew, she always did, but that was because Alex always told her. Ashlyn isn't supposed to know anything, and yet she's acting like she knows it all. It's unsettling.

"How'd it go? With cute model girl?" Ashlyn crosses her arms with a mischievous smile.

"How do you know she's a model?" Alex completely avoids the first part of the question, if not because the second part was a bit more concerning.

"Well for one, I have eyes," Alex glared at her breifly, "Two, it's really easy to open up a magazine. Then Instagram confirmed it for me. Now answer the question." Her eyes narrowed at the forward.

Alex sighed before looking around. If she couldn't keep her personal life from Ashlyn, at least she could keep it from the rest of the team. At least for now.

Save for Kelley, and Tobin, whom has secrets of her own, she's in the clear.

"I think we're on the same page. We talked and I think she's coming up for the tournament." The smile that creeps onto her face is quickly wiped away with a punch to the shoulder.

"That's great, Morgan. How'd you get her to sit down and talk to you?"

Alex squinted as if trying to remember the details in which Ashlyn asked for. Fortunately, or unfortunately, she vividly remembered the circumstances that led to them finally talking.


"Don't tell me you slept with her." Ashlyn shook her head in disappoint.

"Okay, then I won't tell you."


"What?! It was like muscle memory kicked in! She was just so...there, and you know I have no semblance of impulse control! What was I supposed to do?" In Alex's defense, she often forgot what the fuck she was supposed to be doing when faced with Eden's presence.

"Not fuck her?! God, Alex. Did you at least stay afterwards?" Ashlyn rubs furiously at her temples.

"I..came back." She's slowly picking up where Ashlyn is going with this. In hindsight, she sounds like an absolute asshole. But, leaving when she woke up had been necessary. She needed to clear her head, an excuse to grab them breakfast had seemed smart at the time.

"Jeez, Morgan! She probably felt like a slut! Sleeping with her ex the first day they're back in her life, then waking up by herself. You gotta stop that."

"Stop what?" Alex frowned, she was already feeling remorseful for sort of throwing herself on Eden, but now she feels like an idiot, which is subjectively worse.

"Stop thinking about yourself and how you feel, and instead, about her and how she feels."

"I do think about her."

"Not enough. Look, did she agree to coming to the games before or after you jumped her?"


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