Your Head's Only Medicine

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Heralded as a king before I had a birthday
With double (double) digits (digits)

Alexandra Patricia Morgan is an absolute asshole if you ask Eden Damaris Young. Why the hell did she feel the need to score 5 goals in a world cup game. Who does that?

Eden firmly believes Alex only did that because she was there, in France, watching, in the family section, and not because she has any idea how soccer works. Because she doesn't. Sure she played in college, but that was different than whatever the fuck was going on in front of her.

Normally, she'd turn and have Hope explain to her why things were happening. But the taller woman had to go and get a job on her. Which was absolutely selfish on her part.

Hence, she's alone. Well, save for Alex's family who she's sure keeps staring at her like she's a ghost.

She's assuming Alex hasn't updated her relationship status on Facebook yet.

"You can ask. I don't bite, despite whatever Alex has told you." It's a joke. She promised. But it doesn't seem to read that way if the look on Alex's mother's face is anything to go by.

The older woman studies Eden for a excruciatingly long minute, before sighing.

"So, what did that idiot do?"

"Huh?" Someone scores another goal somewhere and the crowd cheers around them, but they stay put.

"Why'd you guys split?" It's a question it seems the whole family is interested in the answer to. And if they had caught Eden maybe a month beforehand she would have told them, with as much animosity as she, and subsequently they, could handle.

But, she promised herself, and Alex for that matter that she'd stop living in the past. It had gotten her into trouble frequently, and things were finally going right for them. Who is she to squander that, simply because someone got curious.

So, she gently shakes her head,"She fixed it," She corrected herself, "We fixed it." And the game goes on.

They win, cause yeah, and Eden claps along with her fellow spectators. Pointedly ignoring the still curious looks she's recieving.

She doesn't meet back up with Alex until late in the evening. This world cup stuff is demanding she deduces.

"Aren't you tired, and shouldn't you be in your room with Kelley?" Eden asked as she flopped onto the somewhat comfortable hotel bed.

Alex excitedly jumped onto it next to her.

"If I say no, can we have sex?" Eden probably would have taken her up on the offer if Alex's eyes hadn't rolled back into her head in the middle of the sentence.

"Can you even remember how to do that right now? You look dead on your feet there, Cap. Scoring 5 goals in a world cup game will do that to you I hear." Eden raised an eyebrow and smirked as Alex started to pout.

"Hey! I'm not as think as you tired I am." Alex doesn't even bother opening her eyes as she speaks. Eden only laughs and rolls her eyes.

"If you can hold your head up for ten seconds, we can have sex. Hell, I'll even strip for you."

Alex snuggled further into the pillow only partially under her head, "I think I'll just dream about it instead."

"Since you're not awake, now's probably a good time to tell you that I talked to your parents." Eden watched Alex through the mirror in the room as she rummaged about, getting ready for bed.

It was almost comical how the completely spent athlete suddenly popped straight up into the startled sitting position she acquired.

"You talked to my parents?" Alex asked alarmed.

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