What A Feeling

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A.N. I know this is a tad short, but the flashback that was attached to the end of this didn't exactly fit. So you'll get that next chapter.

What a feeling to be right here beside you now
Holding you in my arms
When the air ran out and we both started running wild
The sky fell down

"I thought you weren't coming." Alex purses her lips to keep the smile burning behind her lips from escaping. She strains with effort, but Eden pretends not to notice.

"I wasn't for a while, then I did some thinking. Which normally, gets me in trouble." Eden's hands are shoved into her own back pockets. She sways back and forth on her tiptoes. She hates to admit it, but Alex's excitement is rubbing off on her a bit. But she'll keep that fact to herself for the time being, she likes to make Alex work for things.

"Sorry, I couldn't make the game more interesting for you." Alex brushed a peice of still sweaty hair from her face. The urge to show off in front of Eden had been Eden's own fault. She had made the mistake of telling Alex that she found sight of Alex focusing purely on the game incredibly sexy.

"You don't have to show off for me, Alex. I'm not a team you have to win a spot for." Eden shakes her bead emphatically as she speaks. Alex lets out a dark chuckle.

"Then why does it feel like it sometimes?"

"What are you talking about?" Eden's eyebrows furrow. She's confused in the sense that she's not exactly sure which person Alex is talking about. Though, maybe that was a problem in and of itself.

"Let me take you to dinner." It's urgent. Just as quickly as Eden had finsihed her question, Alex was speaking. Oddly enough Eden doesn't hesitate, she doesn't even think.


Eden makes Alex shower first, not that she had planned not to shower, but Eden didn't seem to trust her.

They end up skipping dinner, and get dessert instead. There's a froyo place that Alex happens upon and decides this is the place. Eden doesn't complain.

Eden gets vanilla froyo with toppings that should never go together. Alex thinks it's disgusting but she doesn't say anything because Eden looks particularly proud of her Frankenstein's Froyo platter.

Alex just gets simple chocolate, then adds crushed oreos on top after Eden calls her boring.

The place isn't empty, but there's a table for two towards the back of the parlor. It's not exactly away from the eyes of the teenagers that keep nervously glancing at her, but it'll do.

"There's going to be pictures of us somewhere on the internet in like the next thirty minutes." Alex says, as she picks at her frozen yogurt.

"Well, it's a good thing I look cute today, isn't it?" Eden raises her eyebrows playfully, a spoonful of the frozen treat halfway to her mouth.

Alex wasn't exactly sure what she expected Eden to say. Maybe express a bit of anger at being seen out with her, or maybe a bit of embarrassment as she suggested they eat somewhere else, she's not sure. But she definitely wasn't expecting her to say that.

Care-free Eden was not. Maybe a bit nonchalant at times and even passive at others, but definitely not care-free. Alex is surprised to say the least.

"You look cute everyday." It slips out naturally. And Alex laughs a bit as Eden attempts to hide her blush behind her cup.

"Thank you. You are also...nice to look at." Eden curses herself in her head, luckily Alex just laughs it off.

They sit in silence for a few moments.

"I'm sorry. I know you're tired of hearing it, but I really am. You never really know how good you have it until you lose it. Which is unfortunate, because I hated losing you, but it was the wake up call I needed. To stop putting my work before everyone else. Even myself." Alex watches as Eden's fingers fidget with her spoon.

"I forgive you, Alex. I really do."

"There's a 'but' coming isn't there."



"There's no 'but'. I don't think we'll ever get back to where we were, but I'm willing to try." Eden grabs Alex hand to fidget with in place of the spoon. She plays with each individual finger and traces the lines of palm as she waits for Alex to say something, anything back.

And Alex, Alex has never felt any type of intimacy as satisfying as this.

"...Cool..." It's lame. She knows, but she's at a lost for words. Eden does that to her.

"You're so eloquent." It's sarcastic, but not malicious in intent and Alex let's out another small laugh. This one a bit watery.

"I'm sorry. I'd kiss you if we weren't surrounded by...well, people." She looks around and frowns a bit.

"I'd let you." Eden stares at her intensely.

"Do you really wanna know what I meant earlier?"


"Earlier? I never answered your question. I just sprung this on you before I lost the nerve." Eden continues to plah with Alex's hand, and Alex let's her.

"Oh. Yes."

"I meant Adrienne, and Christen, and everyone that has ever had a conversation with you. And I know you choose me, but there's so many people that choose you that I can't keep up." Eden's hand closes over Alex's. Her fingers intertwined with Alex's.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. And I'm not sure exactly how to fix it, other than reassuring you as much as I can that you're it for me. I haven't spoken to Adrienne in years because she liked me, I just told Christen that and us will never happen because I'm stuck with you. Besides, she's in love with Tobin and you know that. As for everyone else. I can't promise you that people won't like me, but I can promise you that everytime someone tries something I'll tell them that I have an amazing girlfriend who will not hesitate to kick their ass if given the chance. Does that help?" Eden searches Alex's eyes for any further discomfort on the matter.

"A fair bit actually. Though, I don't think I can really help that jealous thing I have going on." Eden resumes her messing with Alex's hand.

"Luckily for you, I'm a bottom and love that possessiveness." She winks and focuses back onto Alex's hand.

Alex's eyebrows furrow. She's thinking about other things now and thinks that's what Eden's plan was all along.

"You look really hot in that jersey, by the way."

"Would you still say that if I was wearing Kelley's?" Eden smirks, she knows the answer, but what kind of fun is she supposed to have if she can't have the Mess with Alex kind?

"Absolutely not. O'Hara is not nearly as attractive a name as Morgan."

"Alex, you and I both know that made no sense whatsoever, but I'll take the compliment anyway."

"Good, cause I meant it."

"I know. Now, eat your boring froyo. It's melting."

But you've got stars, they're in your eyes
And I've got something missing tonight
What a feeling to be a queen beside you, somehow
I wish I could be there now

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