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A.N. I'm shuffling things around for the cup. Cause I can do things like that. Please vote and comment!

Never thought that we would end up here
Should've known it from the start
I know you mean it when you say you love me
But we're trying way too hard

Eden rolled her eyes as a firm knock sounded at her door. This was starting to get old.

She opens it fully to reprimand Alex only to come face to face with someone completely different.

"Christen? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the team?" Eden hurries to the side, ushering Christen into the house. She looks out the door suspiciously to make sure there's noone else waiting to confront her.

Eden turns back to Christen. Christen smiles brightly at her begore speaking, "Alex asked me to be your escort to Pennsylvania."

"She does know what escort means doesn't she?"

Christen laughs that light airy laugh that she does. That one that makes you feel a like faerie sprite floating in the wind? Yeah that one. Eden blushes, she's maintained that over the years that if Christen had gotten to her before Alex did, things would be different. And she has a sneaking suspicion Christen is highly aware of that fact.

"Why are you here so early then? It's not for another three days."

It's Christen's turn to blush, "I figured we could catch up before we had to go. I-the team missed you, well those who knew about you at least."

Eden thinks for a moment, "I missed you too, Christen. And I do want to hang out with you, but I don't want to give you the wrong idea. Alex kind of has me on lay away at the moment." She smiles softly.

Christen bites the inside of her cheek, she nods. She should have saw this coming. Why would Alex have asked her to go get her ex girlfriend if they were still ex girlfriends? "I get it. And thank you for telling me now. Let's go get something to eat."


Eden glimpses at her phone for the eighth time since they sat down. Christen eyes her suspiciously.

"Y'know, you constantly checking your phone kind of makes a girl feel like she's not wanted."

Eden looks up at her apologetically, "Uh, sorry. I was just expecting to hear from Alex by now. She told me she'd text when she got settled. She's probably busy."

Christen nodded slowly, though she didn't necessarily agree, "What's going on with you two anyway?" Her eyes flick up to Eden's face, then back to her half eaten sandwhich.

"I told you. Alex has me on lay away." Eden lifts the corner of her mouth. She watches as Christen rolls her eyes.

"What does that mean, Eden?"

Eden sighs and peers down at her dark  phone screen, "We're working on it."

"That was just as subjective as the first thing you said, but okay." Christen gaze becomes annoyed, causing Eden to roll her eyes in response.

"Christen. Can we not do this? I don't want you to be upset with me or Alex. I know this probably isn't how you saw your time here going, but I'm not going to do this passive aggressive thing with you, because things didn't go your way. I already get enough of that with Alex." Eden rubbed the bridge of her nose to stave off the incoming headache.

"Then why are you dating her?" Eden's sure if Christen was anyone else it would have been more aggressive, but the foward simply wasn't the type.

Eden's phone pings with a notification.

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