The Marauders Afterlife Chapter 3

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 A/N: Hey everyone! Chapter 3 is finally up! yay! I am so sorry for the extremely long delay, but I am seriously lazy i swear. It's not even funny. Well, I hope you guys aren't too mad at me. I'm soo sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter, its a bit different. Thanks for sticking by me, you guys rock!     Anyways, I won't keep you waiting for too long, so here's the next chapter:


Chapter 3

Dumbledore came to a halt in front of the black door ringed with burning fire, and Voldemort followed suit. The Death Eaters surrounded Voldemort in a kind of protective manner. Dumbledore opened the fire-ringed door and motioned Voldemort in. Voldemort entered, Death Eaters in tow. They squirmed at flinched. Apparently, it was rather uncomfortable.

"You shall be spending the rest of your lives- well, death- in this fire-lit room. This, as you may well know, is known as Hell. You are obviously here because of all the horrible, sadistic things you've done to innocents in your lifetime. And now, you will have to pay the price, I'm afraid. Well, enjoy." Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling in their usual way, but with sadness, and a sad smile on his face. And with that, he shut the fire-ringed door with a thud that echoed loudly. Groaning and moaning was heard from within the enclosed chamber, with the occasional yelps. Clearly, the people in Hell were finally being paid the price.

Dumbledore stepped back onto the raised platform and everyone fell quite at once. He began "We are here to acknowledge all those who died by the hands, or on the command of Tom Marvolo Riddle, who fashioned himself a new name: Lord Voldemort, the most feared villain. He was joined by a group of people, known as the Death Eaters. None of them were his friends, of course. Just people who did his bidding, most far too scared to back off. He threatened in the most brutal ways, but, nonetheless, many fought against him, fought for their rights. This led to many innocents' deaths, tearing apart many families and causing anguish amongst many people. Once Voldemort had his eyes set on you, there was no backing off. You would die in the most cruel ways. Many surrendered, but many also fought against him. Fought to protect. Protect their families, friends and loved ones. Once the killing curse was fired, you would be gone, dead while trying to protect. Love. We protect because we love. Something Tom Riddle isn't capable of. Love. Of course, love can also do many, many things that we deem impossible. Nothing is impossible. The only thing impossible is the word itself. One such thing love can do is, protect us from the curse. The evil curse. The curse that steels away the life of a person. The curse that was used numerous times by Lord Voldemort. The killing curse. Only one person has ever known to have survived it. Not only once, but on a number of occasions. And his parents are right here. Why? Because they died to protect. Died because they loved their only son. Love. Protection. Harry Potter lives as a savior for all of mankind. The only person to have ever survived the killing curse. And all because his mother gave up her life to save her son, all out of pure love. Ah, love. What can it not do?" cheers broke out across the room, and many people were in tears. Lily being one of them.

"Lily," James hugged his wife tightly.

"James, I-I want Harry to live a long and happy life." Lily said, looking up at her husband, eyes sparkling with tears.

"He will," James said confidently "I know he will." Lily smiled.

"Hey Lils, calm down. Harry is really tough and strong willed. He can take on anything. After all, he is James and Lily Potter's son." Sirius smiled down at Lily.

"Sirius is right," Remus said.

"Too true he can take on anything. Oh man. He is so protective," Fred stated.

"I wonder where he got that from," Sirius said sarcastically, grinning at James and Lily.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Fred asked.

"Some sort of a ceremony I suppose." Remus replied. Sure enough, a few moments later, everyone became silent and Dumbledore said "All those who died because of Lord Voldemort...." and Dumbledore began to say a whole lot of names and Fred's mind wandered off. He was thinking of George. He hoped that his twin would survive well enough. After all, they did absolutely everything together, from studying to pranking. Suddenly out of nowhere, Fred found himself... back on land? He wasn't in his own head... he was in someone else's head. Someone who was alive. They were sitting in a field of grass. Fred soon realised he could read their thoughts. Whoever it was, was thinking about... him. With a start, Fred realised he was in George's head.

What am I going to do without him? He was my life. I've been ripped in half.George was thinking. Fred felt heartbroken. He didn't want him brother to suffer like that. Damn those death eaters. And then Fred saw someone approaching out of George's eyes. It was Angelina Johnson, a former Gryffindor and Quidditch player.

"George, please don't cry," she said, wiping away tears from his face. "Come on, dinner's ready."

"I don't feel like eating," George said thickly.

"But George! You haven't eaten in like, forever! Please have something!" Angelina sounded hysteric, and Fred realised it was his fault that George wouldn't eat. Well, not his fault, the death eater's fault. Their fault that they killed him and now his twin, his other half, was suffering. And then someone else came. Ginny.

"George please. Fred would never have wanted you to suffer this way. Don't you see? Don't be this way George please." She said kneeling in front of her brother.

"I'm not hungry." George replied.

"George! Honestly! Everyone else is sad as well. You can't not eat forever!" Ginny sounded dangerously like their mother.

"Yea, but none of you have been ripped apart in half, literally, have you! He was my twin for crying out loud! I'm just half don't you see!" George was whisper-yelling.

"No George, you're a whole person. Fred's a whole person. You both are not halves of each other." Angelina said.

"But-" George started but another voice cut him off.

"George, I'm really sorry about Fred, really. But if you keep this up, Fred's not going to be happy. Trust me, he'll want you to live a happy life, even without him." Harry said. Too right, Fred thought.

"I'm sure he's looking over us George," Ginny said softly. Of course, Fred thought. George sighed and got up. Angelina took his arm and together, they all walked away.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Please Comment and Vote if you liked it! Thanks again!

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