Chapter 3

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We headed back to the bathroom and Marcus shut and locked the door again. I had a bad feeling about this but, i was to afraid to protest.

He turned to face me. "Take your shirt off."

I didn't move.

He sighed. "I can't see your injuries if your shirt is covering them. So, take your shirt off."

I hesitated but, did as i was told. I slipped my shirt over my head and held it in my hands. When he saw my bruise stomach his eyes widened and shot up to my face. I looked down, ashamed for some reason.

"Um.....well." He walked over to me and pressed two fingers to my ribs gently. "Does this hurt?" I shook my head. He moved his hand to my other side. I flinched and took a small intake of air. "Well i guess i don't have to ask if that side hurts." He mumbled.

He circled to my back and felt down to check for more injuries. Thankfully my back had been spare except for the parts that were red and puffy from the belt.

He finished his examination and looked me in the eye. "I think you have a broken rib and you could use some cream for your cut and sores. Unfortunately I don't know how to mend a broken rib but I'll be right back with some cream. Stay here."

I nodded and he left. I looked myself over in the mirror and scowled.

Why does my family hate me this much?

I went over to the sink and splashed my face with water. Then i sat down to wait for Marcus. He returned a little later and had some healing cream. He instructed me to turn around so he could put some on my back.

I did and gasped as he began aplying it to my skin. He mumbled an 'I'm sorry' and continued on his work. Every now and then i would clench my fist from the pain and close my eyes. He was almost done when i asked, "So how do you know so much about this kind of thing?"

He was quiet for a moment before saying, "This may sound odd but, i have always been into medicine and stuff. I know i bully but, i really just want to help people get better. Bullying is just a habit from being bullied when i was in preschool."

I turned my head and gave him a incredulous look. "You were bullied?!"

He nodded. "Yeah. It made me angry so i started to do the same thing to people who were small or shy and quiet. I guess i was just trying to say i was mature too."

"Bullying is not what mature people do. Helping the bullied is."

He sighed. "Your right. I need to stop and i know it. Especially since I have my eye on someone. They don't really like me though."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

He blushed. "No one special."

I rolled my eyes. "If you like someone then they are special to you. So, you saying that they are not special is like saying you don't like them."

He glared at the ground. "You would be shocked to hear it so, that why i said it wasn't important."

That caught my interest and I persisted, "Why? Its not like i am friends with anyone you know. Who is it?"

He blushed even darker. By this time he was finished with putting cream on me and stood up to leave. I grabbed his ankle since I was still sitting on the floor. "Where do you think your going? You still haven't told me who it is."

He sighed before turning to me as i stood up to put my shirt on. "You really want to know?"

I nodded.

He smirked. "As you wish." He stepped towards me. I was confused.

Whats going on?

He pushed me against the wall behind me and leaned in close to my ear. "The person i you."


LEMON ALERT! You have been warned! Don't judge!


My eyes widened and i froze.

What?! Me?!

He licked my ear. I tried to shove him away. He just grabbed my hands and pinned them to the wall above my head. I struggled, but to no avail.

He grinned evily. "You wanted to know. Now you do. Except my answer." I trembled in fear as he slid his hand up my shirt. He started to kiss my neck and i made a strange noise when he hit my sweet spot. He chuckled before biting down and making me yelp and whine.

He continued to nibble on that spot and pressed his body against mine. I was shaky by now and my legs were about to give out on me. I whimpered as he pinched my tips.

I had my eyes closed tightly. Then he reached down and grabbed my crotch making me gasp and try to kick him. He whispered huskily in my ear, "Do you like me back?" I shuddered.

I yelped and yanked at his arms holding me as he bit my ear. "But...we're b-both guys.....! This is......w-weird...!" He chuckled into my neck and i shivered.

He leaned down and pushed my shirt up, nipping the skin on my stomach and making me whimper. "Please...stop...! D-.....don't....!" He ignored me and licked my nipple. I was panting and had lost all my energy.

He stood up straight again and pulled my chin to face him. He was taller than me so i had to look up to see him. Then he pressed his lips to mine.

I couldn't move. I was too shocked. He licked my bottom lip and, when i didn't open my mouth, he pushed his knee into my crotch roughly, making me gasp and giving him the chance he wanted. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and it tangled itself with mine.

I had tears in my eyes and i could tell they wanted to fall. He bit my bottom lip and sucked on it. I couldn't take it anymore and the tears flowed down my cheeks. He saw and let go of my lip to lick my face clean.

When he finished he pulled away slightly. "You have such a cute face when you cry. It makes me want to do more." My heart sped up and i started to panic.

He chuckled. "Sadly i don't have as much time as i would like. That and we are in school. I would much prefer it if we were in your room." He gave me a evil smile filled with lust.




I was breathing hard and subconsciously pulling on my arms. He leaned in and pecked me once more on the lips before letting go and heading for the door. Before he opened it he turned back to look at me. "I really do like you." He said, then he waved and was gone.

I slid down the wall and stared at the door. I couldn't think.

He.....likes me? Why?

I sat there for a long time before I stood up slowly and picked my things up. I only had an hour before I had to be home. I left the school and slowly went back to hell.

When i got there i went straight to my room. I put my bag in the corner and sat on my bed. I stared at the floor.


No one has ever like me. If they said they liked me it was usually a prank. They would never mean it. But, he had sounded serious.

I heard my parents get home and locked my door to keep them out. Then i hugged my pillow to my chest and cried.



Hey everyone! I know just how much you love this story so i decided to write another chapter for you to devour if you like me with yaoi books! :) I love this chapter and am really pleased with how it turned out. I hope you all like it! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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