The End

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Hi again! I am now starting another Percy Jackson story, as you can tell and hopefully I'll be updating this faster than the last one while still updating my other as fast as I can but maybe not as fast as this one. K


"Do you really think that I loved you," she laughed evilly, "no one ever did. They all hate you Perceus" she spat my name out. "Now.." She started walking slowly towards me, knife in hand. "You know what happens next. Don't you?" I nodded my head weakly. She slashed her knife at my chest, creating a deep cut. "I didn't hear you! When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me loud and clear! Now let's try this again. You know what happens next.. Don't you?" She asked/commanded.

I looked at her and said, "yes I do. But it doesn't mean that I have to like it." She smiled at me. It wasn't a warm or welcoming smile either. It was a smiled that wrote evil all over her face. A smile that didn't have any sympathy in it at all. A smile that's on the face that I used to love.

"Good. Now let's commence our daily routine." She grabbed twin swords and started slashing at my chest, making me bleed all over. She then started kicking and punching my chest, breaking several ribs. Then she grabbed a bottle of poison and threw it all over me, and down my throat. I screamed as the poison burned my insides. After another hour of screaming and torture, she stepped back, examined her work, smiled another evil smile and said, "same time tomorrow Jackson" then she turned and left. The worse things about my situation was that I never got fed, and I only got a tiny bit of water. I could never sleep. I could never go unconscious. Even form blood loss, I've been cursed to always stay awake as long as I'm down here. But most of all. The worse thing is that I know that no one cares about me. No one cares that I'm being tortured. I'm all alone.

Now you might be wondering what's going on. Well I'll explain it since I have completely nothing else to do.


I was with Nico, Jason and Thalia, having so much fun. We were currently being chased by some Aphrodite girls, because we stole their makeup. When we lost them, we dropped down on the ground, rolling around in laughter. I looked at the time and saw that it was time. Time to propose to Annabeth. "Hey guys, it's time. I'll see you guys later."
"Good luck" they all said. Nico and Jason patted my back and Thalia gave me wink. Then I left to go get ready, then went to find Annabeth. I was planning on taking her out on a date, then proposing to her then. And just recently I went on a quest for Athena to get permission to marry her.

I knocked on her cabins door. A couple seconds later Annabeth answered. She smiled at me. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress, and her blond hair was in curls. She wore a bit of makeup that seemed to make her face glow. She was beautiful. I held out my hand. "Are you ready to go m'lady?" She laughed slightly. "Of course I am. Now where are we going?" I smirked at her. "You'll see."

We then set out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. The food there was amazing and we had a lot of fun. But she seemed to be acting a bit... Different. Like we saw a lady trip and fall, dropping her bags. I ran to go help her. But I swear I heard Annabeth laughing at the lady. Like she enjoyed seeing her suffer. I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea so I just shrugged it off.

After our dinner, we took a walk along the beach. It's time, I thought. I tapped Annabeths shoulder. She looked at and asked, "what?" I took a deep breath and said, "Annabeth, we've known each other for a long time now and I love you and everything. And I want to ask you something." She raised her eyebrows at me. I took out a blue velvet box out of my pocket and got down on one knee. I opened the box. In it as a grey ring, with green emeralds, circling the outside of it. On the inside words were carved. Those words said, Percy+Annabeth for life. I then said the magic words. "Annabeth. Will you marry me?" She looked at me for a couple of seconds, smirked and said, "no. Why would I want to marry you?" I looked at her for a minute. Was she serious! I opened and close my mouth like an idiot, type prying to find the right words. She saw this and said. "Oh didn't you know? We aren't dating anymore. Tonight was just to eat and such. It wasn't a date. Besides, I've got already got a boyfriend. He's name is Tom, and he is WAY better than you." Said person then walked up to us. "Hey babe. Is this guy bothering you?" She looked at me, then back to Tom with a fake look of hurt on her face. "Yes. He hurt me." A fake tear started rolling down her face. He glared at me, then whipped Annabeths tear away. "Well, I know exactly how to make you feel better." He grabbed her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss, which turned into a heavy make out session. What made it worse was that she was kissing him just as passionately. I felt like my world was ending. Everything started spinning, and I ran back to camp. I ran into my cabin and cried myself to sleep.

The next day wasn't any easier. Apparently Annabeth told everyone that I kissed a girl right in front of Annabeth and broke up with her. Now everyone was giving me dirty looks, comforting Annabeth, leaving me in the dust. The only people who believed me was Nico, Jason and Thalia. They were my only friends. They comforted me through everything, ignoring everyone's lies. Then some people started kicking throwing things at me. Mostly the Ares cabin. Then one day when I had enough, I was called to Olympus.

When I got there everyone was arguing. But when I stepped into view, everyone got silent. I bowed. "You called me Lord Zeus?"
He looked at me in anger "yes and you must be punished for your crimes! He boomed. I looked at him in shock. "What crimes? What did I do?"
All of the Olympians had looks of disgust on their faces apart from, Aphrodite, Hermes, Apollo, Poseidon, Hades and Artemis. "You shall be sent to Tartarus for being in league with Gaia and Kronos. This information has been proven to be true. Now you shall be in Tartarus until you die." I was shocked. I couldn't move. When I regained myself, I looked at Zeus in the eye and said quietly, "ok." Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Other people would deny this information and beg for their life to be spared. But really, I just can't be bothered to live anymore. I was sick of all these lies. Sick of my broken heart. Sick of life. "What do you mean 'ok'?" Asked Poseidon.

"T-today I was going to either k-kill myself, o-or come here and ask for death a-anyway. I j-just can't take life anymore. A-annabeth cheated and broke up with me. E-everyone keeps spreading lies about m-me. B-bullying me. And n-now you are blaming me for something I didn't do. B-but I accept it anyway. I can't be bothered to fight an argument that I know I won't win." I had tears streaming down my face as I said all this. Same with Aphrodite and my dad. "I love you dad" that made him cry even more.

But Zeus didn't care. "Alright. Now it's time. Goodbye, and have fun." He opened a hole in the ground and pushed me down the hole. Into Tartarus. Into hell.

I fell for what seemed like forever, until I landed in a river. This river filled me with sorrows, told me to give up, that life was useless.,since I already believed that, I let the river take me. But just when I was on the brink of death, someone pulled me out. I coughed and coughed, rubbing my eyes, trying to clear my vision to see the person who got me out of the river. Once my vision cleared, I saw the least likely Titan that would save me. Kronos. "Ah, I see they finally did it eh? They finally broke you, dump you in Tartarus and left you to me. Ah that is satisfying. Now, it's time to have some fun." Before I could say anything, I was knocked out.

When I came to, I was in a cell. I was hanging from shackles on the blood covered walls. The shackles and chains were digging into my wrists, drawing blood. As I examined my surroundings, Kronos, Hyperion and Oceanus walked in. "Finally! Your awake! Now it's time to have some fun!" He started to walk up to me when Hyperion placed a hand on him shoulder. "I think we should tell him the news of the new commander first. An evil grin appeared on their faces. Then Oceanus left and after a couple of seconds, a familiar girl came in. After a while I realized that it was Annabeth. That TRAITOR! She walked into the room and smiled an evil smile when she saw me. "Hello, my Lords. I see you got little Perseus... Hello Percy, as you can see I am with the Titans, and am now the commander of their army, while they are my Lords and masters." She kept an evil smile on her face and turned to the titans, "now who has the pleasure on starting the long process of... Torture." Kronos smile, stepped forward, sword in hand, and then began to slowly bring the sword down my chest. I didn't scream, or whimper in pain. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

A little while after they all joined in on the slow torture. Then I screamed. A lot.

After some time that seemed like forever, they left me in my cell alone, after giving me the curse to never go unconscious, without their permission. And that's how it's been ever since. For 650 years.


I sighed. My life really does suck. I waited for a long time, for what I assumed was the night. Suddenly Annabeth came stepped into my cell.

"Well hello Percy" she said happily. I scowled, but said nothing. "I have a little surprise for you. I have a new second in command. I think you'll know him well." When she said that, a guy stepped into the cell. He walked into the light, and then I could see his face. It was Luke Castellan.

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