🌹Chapter Eight🌹

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🌹R O S E II🌹


"There must be something you can do" I say to my lawyer, Mr. Piran. Lena and I have been on a meeting with him alone with my other lawyers since we came into the office this morning to figure out what to do now. That paper we got yesterday is something that can and will ruin me and I can't let that happen.

After all the work I did, and how I slaved myself into work, put my life on hold to build up this company, I'm about to lose it all. Mr. Piran shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Miss Ace but whoever this is cannot be stopped by us. The only thing I advise you to do is get it out in the open yourself before this person does" He says and I sigh.

This can't be happening. I'm doomed. "But if she does that then the same thing will happen. Rose will lose this company" Lena says, and she's not helping right now. I don't need her to tell me that I'm going to lose the company, I already know that.

And I won't just lose the company, I'd lose my reputation, my name will be buried. I'll be ruined in other words and there is nothing I can do about it. "No. The same thing won't happen. Miss Ace control the situation. If you show the world that you are strong enough to put this out into the world and not a coward when it comes out itself" He says and he really lost me there.

I raise my eyebrows at him. Isn't he and my lawyers supposed to help me on this? For three hours they've done nothing but assure me that my life is officially over. "You are a woman and there will always be men to find away to... how do I put it... ah, yes... put you in your rightful place, beneath them but show them that no one can take you down. Show them why you are above them" He says.

The first words that actually make sense. "But what if that backfires. The media will bury her six feet under when this gets out. There isn't a way for this to go quietly" Lena says. And I really think both of them aren't talking to me any more just about me.

"Yes, that can happen but that is what I'm trying to tell you. If Miss Ace takes the media on and keeps her head high when they want to shame her then she will show them that she isn't one to mess with" Mr. Piran says. Both of them make such good point and I have no idea what I can do.

A knock on my office door makes everyone looks over there. I told Miss Scott that I would be busy all day and that no one should interrupt me. "Come in" I call out to the person and the door slowly opens. I freeze when I see who just entered my office and my eyes widen. My day can't get any worse now.

Alexander Knight walks into my office as if he owns it and I roll my eyes. I notice in the corner of my eyes that Lena is glaring daggers into his skull and the Mr. Piran only looks confused. "What are you doing here?" I ask him as I feel my anger rise.

I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, this is not the time nor place to be angry at him. He only smirks at me and I notice that not once has he glanced at Lena nor Mr. Piran, his eyes are only focused on me. "I've come to save you" He tells me.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask him, he's already done enough to me, he doesn't need to save me. No, he needs to be as far away from me as possible because when I'm in his presence he makes me want to strangle him.

When I look into his eyes I notice a little bit of hurt, it's too small for anyone to notice but me, I see it clearly. Memories from the last time we spoke flash before my eyes. I told him I hated him. It was all a lie but he doesn't know that. "A little birdie told me that someone was blackmailing you and I've come with a solution to it" He tells me.

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