Chapter 2

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"Where are my Belle De Jour Gray Tortoise Louis Vuitton sunglasses? I can't find them anywhere." Se Ri talks to herself as she hurriedly scours her closet. She is clothed in a burgundy pleated skirt and baby pink ruffled top. She looks runaway ready  with a baby bump as she looks for her sunglasses.

"Se Ri, we're getting late! We'll have to be in Zurich in two hours." Jeong Hyeok's voice is heard from the outside as he takes out the car from garage.

"I'll be there in a minute

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"I'll be there in a minute. I can't find my sunglasses." Se Ri replies as she eyes the top drawer. Her hands couldn't reach it so she drags a stool to stand. As she's about to climb on the stool, a hand grabs her waist. It's Jeong Hyeok's.

He's dressed in black and his hair is slicked back perfectly. His face looks even more angular and unreal when he's in black and his skin is pale with a natural radiance that's almost angelic. He can pass for a marble statue from the renaissance era.

"What are you doing, Se Ri? I asked you to not do such risky things." Jeong Hyeok murmurs as he pulls Se Ri closer.

"I am looking for my sunglasses and I think they may be in that drawer

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"I am looking for my sunglasses and I think they may be in that drawer." She points in the top drawer's direction.

"I'll look for them. Just ask me when you need to find something you can't reach." Jeong Hyeok's hands reach the drawer and instantly locate the sunglasses.

"Here. Are these the ones?" Jeong Hyeok looks at Se Ri.

"Yes." Se Ri smiles. "But you know, you already do so much work for me. I don't want to bother you all the time with such insignificant tasks I can easily do. You care way too much for me, Hyeoki."

"You're not insignificant, Se Ri. You're carrying our daughters and I need to be 100% there for you. Every task of yours is mine and every thing you can't do should be done by me." Jeong Hyeok touches Se Ri's chin and gently brushes his finger across her cheek.

"I can't believe Hyeoki, we'll be having our daughters in four months. They are so excited to meet us that they kick me all the time. Are they playing football or what?" Se Ri laughs as she touches her tummy. "By the way, why are we going to Zurich and why aren't you telling me anything about it?"

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