The Common Room

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We finally arrived after the teacher were looking around for us and the train. We finally got on the boats that my mum/dad always talked about. It really was amazing, the castle.

I sat with Lily, Severus and another girl named Pandora. We went into this hallway untill be were shushed by the Deupty Headmaster Dumbledore.

We then were lead into a room with 4 tables filled with people talking the Headmaster yelled sIlEnCe and they all went silent lEt tHe SoRtInG BeGiN long story short Lily Sirius James Remus Peter were in gryffindor Pandora was in Ravenclaw and me and Sev were in Slytherin(sorry if this aint your house)

After the feast, we were taken to our respective houses by some Prefects. We were all winding down the hall ways to our houses when the prefect leading out group suddenly stopped and so did the others. We all looked around confused and worried. But then he just resumed walking as if nothing happened. I figured it was just a mix up in directions

When we got to the common room we all started talking about the prefect acting weird Except me and Sev.

We were studying by the fire curled up in the green and silver blanket that covered the couch before we sat down. I looked over at Sev across from me. I didn't notice how slick and cute his hair was before.

Another prefect came over and told everyone it was like to go to our dormitories to pick out our beds and sleep. I didn't want to have to get up but if not it would most likely end badly so I reluctantly got up and found a free bed.

It was close to the door but I didn't mind. I plopped on my bed and curled up underneath the blankets and dozed off.

Our Blossoming  Hearts: A Severus Snape x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora