Chapter twenty six

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A/N: First and foremost before updating you guys have been there for me through this story and I really appreciate you guys. When I updated the previous chapter before this, this thing called covid 19 has not been reigning but now oh boy, don't let me say much sha, please we all know this virus is deadly and the mode of transmission is through air so stay at home and let yourself feel at home, use 2 to 10 tablets of vitamin c to build your immune system,  always drink water for your own good.

It is only when I choose not to talk if I don't say the fact behind this virus. It virus shows that The Almighty God (ALLAH) is angry with us and this virus is one of his soldiers so please and please ask for forgiveness. Ask him for forgiveness and he will surely forgive you because he is the most merciful,  the greatest the king of king and lord of lord.  Rooster the prayer use his great messengers Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W) to plead with him. May he answer your prayers and I hope you do that.  Most of us has forgotten about him and he doesn't like it, he wants us to be close to him. I know the white feel like we black are useless unless if we turn to him but the truth is that we black still know where we come from. We still know our origin and that how we look up to him everytime and I pray you guys will follow that path. Stop STEALING, FUCKING AROUND, KILLING AND STOP YOUR wayward ACT.  I love u guys and I want the best for you and please stay at home and look up to him to forgive us. Thank you


Okay now the update sorry for keeping you waiting for this update


Richard's Point of view:

He looks so familiar to me. This situation gat me thinking because I am confused right now. Oh now I remember he looks like me but has young features,  he is also surprised due to his facial expression.

Has my mom given birth again?

No, she can't. She has reached her menopause. Then why is he sick familiar and why do I think we have some connections. The I started starring at him, he has a blue ocean eyes, sharped jaw, black hair, deep dimples that resembles me of someone. 

"Mister,  you look like the person I know but that not the case now please I can see you are rich so you can take me to a big eatery but not where my mom works coz she will scold me if she see that I am not with that dirty uncle and even the manager there is ugly that I can't bear his presence. you know you don't look dang-er-ous to me so I can go out with you" Hmm his speech left me speechless. How can a small boy like this talk like an adult whow Amazing.

"I have some questions to ask you, boy" I said to hin

"You are free to ask me any question but not after I enter your shining car so that that dirty uncle won't see me". I opened the door  for him to enter, as he did the scent of thecombination of cherry and apple perfume flavour hit my nose and that perfume reminded me of someone, this young guy himself remembers me of someone and the person his Alex. 

I don't want to be reminded of her and please let me enjoy my precious time with this cute guy.

"Now speak" he commanded

"Who is your dirty uncle and why don't you like him?" I asked

"I don't know him but all I k or is that he and my mom are close and I don't like him because  he secretly likes my mom and I don't want any man to like her except from me but you are free to like her because I like you."

"What about your dad" I asked confused.

"I have never seen my dad before, all what my mom tells me is that she is my dad and my mum."

"What is your name and your mum's name"


Mister, your questions are too much for my liking but I will answer. My name is Alexander and my mum's name is Alexis".

"And your last name"

"Winslow" His answer shocked me and made me startled.She can't be Alex because I gave her money to abort the pregnancy and moreover I don't think she can be in this country.

"what is your mum last name"

"see I don't know and why so you want to know,  please take me to where I can eat" he folded his arms and placed them on his chest sending me a message that I should give In to his order. I ordered the driver to take us to a fancy restaurant near the park. 

He was excited to come to a fancy restaurant and that makes me curious about who he is. Has he not been to such a fancy restaurant before? That actually a rhetorical question right now.

He ordered the same food that I live mist which was omelette, he told me it was his favourite food and this piece of information added to my curiosity, well I am going to find out any way

When we finished our business in the eatery we went to the park and played nor knowing it was already late. When he realized that he was already late he started panicking which made my heart sank,  he is a good boy and a good friend that I don't want to see crying. I drove him home hoping that I will see him again.  I feel that I know him more than that.


I will update tomorrow I can't update the remaining cos I am sleepy, good night and stay safe.

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