A close call and information found

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Your pov

I slowly started walking towards the river. Something is not right, I don't know what but there's something wrong with this place. I understand it's my first day and all but he didn't even tell me any thing about the wild life here. 

Looking at the small hard cover book in my hand I can't help but wonder how old it is. It's cover is worn and pages a little yellow.  I may as well look at it after I find them ...... but they may not be at the river. And I already checked them last night, I'm no medic but I can tell when their sick or hurt and their all perfectly fine.

No ones pov

You continued to walk to the river while humming your favourite song. The thick vegetation of the jungle became more and more dense as you went deeper into it's mysterious depths. The tall trees loomed over your figure, many as tall as a two story house and some even taller. You tried to think of of your times with the snakes at your old job. There were 5 of them in total, all very clingy and easily jealous. 

There was a boomslang which when translated means tree snake. A huge boa constrictor, eastern coral snake, Brazilian rainbow boa and a a light blue snake that you forgot the name of. They were all males and could at times be aggressive but you only got bitten twice. One by the boomslang and the other by ...... the boa constrictor. They both left a mark but nothing fatal.

You were so deep in thought that you didn't realise you were by the river already, and a happy tiger was charging towards you. By the time you finally snapped out of it Mia jumped and flew through the air only to send you back and land on the soil beneath you with a shocked yelp. 

She looked down at you: amused. She loved to pin you or surprise you whenever you were thinking. You would get so deep in thought that you wouldn't even realise that she was sitting next to you or running towards you. And clearly still did.

You playfully glared at her while she got off of you. 

"Ha ha very funny you got me again." you say sarcastically. 

Mia gives a small growl as you get up and knocks you down again, not wasting anytime grabs the hem of your shirt and starts to drag your struggling and laughing form towards the river.

 "Mia I swear if you even think about it I will-" to late your thrown into the river.

Your pov

That cheeky tiger, I am so going to get revenge for this. I stay at the bottom of the river, waiting for her blurry shape to lean closer to the water. 

She does and I quickly make my move. Pushing my feet against the rocks beneath my feet I launch myself out of the water and grab Mia. Using all my strength I pull her into the river.

I smirk in victory as her head pops out of the water and looks at me with a shocked expression.

"Now we're even." I say proudly.

She growls playfully and uses he huge paw to splash water in my face. Oh you have it coming now. Splashing her back we start a water war.

A snakes treasure (snakeformers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now