The 5 and the letter

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No ones pov

Five people sit close together in a cage, bars thick enough to hold a bull. Sobbing can be heard from two of the figures, on small -a child- and the other a bit taller. Both are being comforted by the others in the metal prison, whispering sweet word to them and rocking them back and forth to help sooth them.

All had been tricked, deceived into thinking that they were going to see their loved ones who had gone to a mysterious job, far away in a sanctuary that they had never heard of. But they didn't question it, even though some were slightly suspicious. Now they wished the had trusted their guts.

Their loved one's boss had called them, saying that their loved ones had a message for them. Due to the sanctuary having no reception they hadn't had any contact with their loved ones for two months and three quarters. Many longed to see them and didn't question the request for them to come to a building to collect a letter from them.

But it was a trap.

As soon as they were all at the abandoned building they were gassed. Within seconds they were knocked out and dragged, except for the little girl, to the cage that was covered in a large white sheet, allowing no light in or any sight of the humans trapped inside. The cage was strapped onto a large truck that previously belonged to a zoo. Which closed down recently. None would suspect at the slightest the plan that was unfolding before them, none did not even the most imaginative child or suspicious adult.

The truck driver, a man in his late thirty's hates himself for doing this to these innocent people. Bringing them to the hell he had willingly entered. If he had known he was going to be bring a KID to that hell he would never have signed up. But he has no choice, his boss would easily find out about his betrayal and all the work they had done for the past two decades would have been for nothing.

And he couldn't let all the innocent lives that had been sacrificed to those brutal experiments deaths be in vein. No matter how much he hatted doing this.

But he had too. Human kind is weak, yes many smart but physically weak. The world is changing right under their noses and they don't even realise it! Nature is adapting, fighting back and ready to reclaim what was lost. Animals are evolving, able to survive extreme heats and toxic areas. Earth is fighting back, and wants humans wiped out! Extinct, dead, gone! And humans can't evolve fast enough to repel it. Not alone at least ...

Yet he would rather die as a human than a monster, a freak of nature and lab rat. But Brown has his ways of manipulation, which had gotten more violent in the past years.

"What have we done ..." the driver sighs, looking at the screen to his left to see the poor people. The little girl clings desperately to a man, sobbing and calling out her brothers name.

Why had he bought those other 6 people there, not even warning them or talking to them just watching. Just watching as two good people stand up for someone they don't even know. Watching as they get off the bus into the cursed jungle he had wasted all his life trying to tame.

"What have I done ..." he breaths out, barely a whisper.

You stand next to Ultra Magnus, rereading the letter that had been sent to him yet again. Tears falling and hands shaking and legs, ready to give out and collapse to the floor. Zioni clings to Blurr with all her might, crying desperately into his neck as he and Shockwave try and comfort her. Harry cry's hopelessly into Ben's chest feeling his heart shattered into a million shards thanks to the horrific letter. Ben holds him close, tears of fear, hatred and pure rage pouring his face. How dare they do this! is the only thing that runs through his mind and very soul.

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