The two prisoners

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No one's pov

Ben groans in pain as he attempts to stand up but falls back to the floor with a loud thud. He releases another groan and try's again.

"What the frag are you all doing here?" And why's she unconscious?" Demands a deep rough voice.

Looking towards the source the three conscious humans see a snakeformer. One that has a tail as long Megatrons and much bigger than him. He has a large muscular body, not as in fat far from it even from where the three humans are they can see his six pack just large. But what surprised them the most are his eye- optics. They are blood red but ... their calming. They don't have that hatred or evil pride that they had seen in many but despite the red they are calm, considerate, warm and friendly.

"Honey please calm down." the woman smiles at him with a pleading expression. 

He sighs and nods, coming closer to the four new humans.

"Sorry for the rudeness. Names Windbolt and this little lady's Marria." he holds out his servo to Zioni who happily shakes it. Ben finally stands up but before he can fall back down Harry helps support him.

"Hi. My names Zioni. The guy with red and black hairs Ben and the cute kid's Harry." Zioni introduces, pointing to each one of them.

"Zioni-" Ben warns.

"No worries I'm not flirting with your boyfriend Benny~." she interrupts earning a loud jolly laugh from Windbolt and an eye roll From Ben.

"I already like this one." he grins. Marria giggles silently at her mates sudden change in emotions. It was nice to see him smile genuinely for once at another other than herself.

Suddenly an unfamiliar groan makes Windbolt snap his helm in your direction, seeing your stirring form.

Marria quickly runs over to you, seeing you wince in pain as she touches your ribs. She gently helps you into a sitting position and reassures you all the while. 

You hear the voice and instantly feel safe. It's so soothing and calming, despite the pain coursing through your chest you felt at ease. With much effort you open your eyes slowly. They flicker at the bright light in the room but slowly adjust.

"Oh thank goodness your alright." she sighs in relief.

Zioni, Ben, Harry and Windbolt crowd around you, looking at you with a sense of relief as well.

"Are you guys okay?" you ask, your voice quiet and slightly horse.

"Primus kid we should be the ones asking that not you!" Windbolt says seriously helping you to stand on your feet. You stagger a bit but quickly regain your balance.

"Names Windbolt and that lady is Marria. Been here for- uhh>" he quickly looks at his digits and mumbles something as he counts them. "Darling you were 19 when we were captured?"

Marria smiles and nods her head, he could be so forgetful at times 

"21 years."


No ones pov

Windbolt explained how he and Marria many years ago were the best friends of none other than Alex Brown. Although Marria is 6 years younger than Brown the two had a close bond. He met Marria when she was 11 years old and explained how his species could live for millions of thousands of years. Many believed one could live forever if under the right circumstances. Something in him that day changed. He was once a decepticon a powerful one at that but when he saw Marria he wanted to change sides. He didn't want to destroy or conquer a planet flourishing such life. Such beautiful delicate life.

Even though she was so young he knew that she was meant for him but he said nothing. As years went by Brown changed, becoming obsessed with Energon and its capability along with the changes of earth. Mother nature was beginning to fight back in small almost undetectable changes. Almost.

Many animals were becoming stronger, faster, able to survive both extreme heat and cold as well as toxic radiation. Plants had the same effect and required less water and produced more seeds and fruit. As time went on with the help of both Marria and Windbolt he discovered that in two years from now the Earth would start killing humans off. Humans weren't and still aren't evolving. They are maybe even weakening. Earth wants to wipe them out and it will show no mercy.

That's where his obsession started.

Convinced that energon was the key to evolution in humans he started making ... things and testing them out on animals. Of course Marria and Windbolt never knew as they were more focused on other thongs. 

Marria described that when she first met Windbolt she felt something in her ignite, she felt love but didn't understand or know it. As time went on and she grew she felt the feeling increase until finally it was too much.

But before she could tell him he told her and they became mates.

That ignited something else in Brown.

He wasn't only dedicated to saving humanity but also snakeformers. He knew that there are very few female snakeformers, many of which refuse to mate.
But what if he could help with that?

What if he could provide more humans for them to mate with, to create sparklings as they call them. What if he could make it that both male and female humans were compatible?

He became more distant, less kind and started spying on his two friends.

And then he tricked Marria into taking a concoction of his. It ... it did change her slightly. She showed you the random scale patches littering her arms, legs and back. She also could no longer age. So for the rest of her life she will remain 18.

But when Windbolt found out he lost it. He tried to kill Brown but instead was captured along with his mate and put into a strange facility. Energon fruit that had been crushed and it's juices drained had been splattered all over an area along with a few of his scales. At the facility a small amount of his scales were taken and apparently scattered all over the facility.

Since then they had been kept here. They were treated fairly but often had something poked in them or samples being collected. They told you all about the two previous humans who are dead and became ... failures.

You all couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for them. Sure they were bitchy ass holes that deserved to be sent to hell but to die like that? That was too far.

And in turn you all told your story. The story of how you were all tricked into a false job, how you met the snakeformers, learn't of Browns experiments, familys being captured and held hostage and how you all fell in love.

Harry and Ben with each other.

Zioni with Blurr and Longarm/Shockwave.

And you with Megatron and Optimus.

Yeah Zioni gave you hell for falling for the sexy warlord, not like shes any better she fell in love with a decepticon spy.

Harry and Ben ... they were speechless for the both of you. They are both terrible at seeing love it seems.

Marria an Windbolt were amused to say the least. Windbolt literally fell on his back laughing at you and Zioni arguing with each other over both falling for a decepticon. Marria was reminded of the times she had spent with Windbolt outside of the crazy lab. Good memorys.

Just as you and Zioni (who are both standing up and have your foreheads against each other) are about to get into a small fist fight the cell door opens.

And in steps 5 familiar people.


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