Authors Annoucement

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't an update but I have a very important announcement for you!

As you can probably see, TTFY just hit over 5K reads! That is the most I have ever got on any of my stories and truth be told, I am overjoyed!

So, in celebration of this awesome accomplishment, I am holding a TTFY Cover Contest!

So, here's how it works:

I will be holding 2 contests, one for people who have read TTFY and one for people who haven't.

Those who have, which includes ya'll, will be able to design a cover. I will pick the top 7 and use them in my following chapters! Yay!

Those who haven't, I will have a separate contest that will be held in the Multimedia Design Club. They will be creating the main cover. But! If you want to take a crack at it, go ahead and post your submission on the MDC contest page and I will totally take it as well!

If you could please PM me the submissions, that would be perfect :)

Also, any questions feel free to PM me!

Thank you all again for the amazing support you have given, the reads, the comments, the votes, everything! Wow!

I will have a special new chapter out really soon, so be prepared!

Also, you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram with my usernames below!! I really don't have a reason why, it would just be awesome :P

Instagram: @kassidyjones18

Twitter: @freshfictionfan

Thank you all, much love!!


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