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Clarissa's outfit is above!

Today is the day that the Mikaelsons return to Mystic Falls, except Kol and Finn. It was decided that Alaric would give them a tour while Clarissa would fill out the paper work. She was in a bad mood because the very person who promised never to show his face again is back.

After Klaus' betrayal, Kol and Finn cut their ties with Klaus and the Mikaelson name. Surprisingly even though they weren't always close, it strengthen the bond between them and Clarissa as well. She was grateful that the Mikaelson brothers were still part of her life and became her best friends.

For the past seventeen years, there had been less supernatural drama and she had been grateful for that. But the price for that was the Salvatore brothers lives. They gave their lives to save Clarissa and the town.

Because of his sacrifice, Alaric and her became headmaster and headmistress to the Salvatore Boarding School in their honor. Her children got to have a peaceful life because of them.

Bonnie traveled the world which eventually lead her to meet her future husband, Thomas. They had a daughter and son, Annie and William.

Not long after Ariel and Kol got married, they moved to Paris. Finn is currently living in London with his wife. Despite it all, they would still visit Clarissa and her kids from time to time.

(And what else? That's still a secret! Don't worry, you'll find out soon!)

But now in her office, people she hasn't seen in seventeen years are sitting right in front of her. Klaus along with Elijah and Rebekah. There are also two new faces, Hope which she knows is Klaus' daughter and Freya, the family's long lost older sister. She had heard from Stefan that Hayley had been killed because of an enemy of the Mikaelsons. She had felt sorry that Hope had to grow up without a mother but she didn't feel sorry for Hayley.

In Klaus eyes' she was even more beautiful than the last time he saw her. He knows that he's breaking his promise of never appearing before her again but he can't help it. He wants to be there for Hope as she applies for the school and he truly did want to see Clarissa again, not caring how selfish he was.

"It's nice to see you again, Clarissa."

"Yes, it seems you have been doing well."

Clarissa ignores Elijah and Rebekah, keeping her focus on the youngest one. "You must be Hope. I've heard so much about you, you're very pretty."

Hope gives a shy smile. "T-Thank you, Ms. Forbes."

"Call me Clarissa. Ms. makes me sound old."

Hope giggles and Klaus is glad that his two greatest loves are comfortable around each other. However, Elijah and Rebekah are confused to her cold behavior towards them only expecting her to be like that to Klaus. Before Klaus can say anything, two young girls burst into the room with Alaric walking in right behind them.


"My babies!"

The twins run to Clarissa and tackle her into a hug. The Mikaelsons astonished to learn that Clarissa had children. "We missed you, mommy."

"Oh, I missed you too!"

Lizzie pulls back a little, "Are the others back yet?"

"They'll be back soon."

Josie looks behind them and sees the family of five. She glances at Lizzie who smirks. "We heard about the new student joining. Hope Mikaelson, right?"

Hope nods and the twins look at each other, knowing what drama would soon happen. Lizzie looks annoyed at Klaus and Hope while Josie just gives Hope a small smile. "I'm Josie." When Lizzie doesn't introduce herself, Josie pokes her cheek.


"We're twins."

"Yeah, fraternal."

"Okay, now that introductions are out of the way. Hope would you like to join the school?"

She quickly nods, making the adults chuckle. Hope has always wanted to be around more people her age and are like her. But mostly, she wanted to know the woman who always had her dad's heart. But she never knew the reasons as to why the broke up.

"Time to fill out the paperwork then. What's your full name, sweetie?"

"Hope Theodora Mikaelson."

"Now your birthday?"

"May 2nd, 2012."



"...Witch, Werewolf and Vampire?" She nods. "Have you triggered your werewolf side?"

She looks down ashamed. "Yes, by accident."

"Hope, listen to me. One of the reasons this school exists is so that people can embrace who they truly are. So whatever you have done, you won't be judge here for it."

"...Thank you."

"This also means you can shift at will, right?" She nods. "We have a area where werewolves can transform whenever they need. Now your father just needs to fill out this paperwork and you're good to go." She hands Klaus the paperwork then looks at the twins. "And you two need to go hurry and eat the cotton candy cake that I made."

The twins squeal and run out of the room. "COTTON CANDY! DAD, HURRY!"

Alaric shakes his head and looks at Hope and asks, "Want to join, Hope?"

Hope looks at her father for permission and he nods. "Have fun, sweetheart."

Hope smiles and gets up to follow Alaric. After Klaus finishes filling out the paperwork, he hands it back to Clarissa.

"...You have daughters?"

"They called me mom, didn't they?" Klaus flinches at Clarissa cold demeanor towards him.

"But they called Alaric-"

"It's it really that hard to understand? Yes, I'm their mother and Alaric is their father. But why should I have to explain myself to you?"

"It's just surprising that you have children with a man whose very much-"

"Very much what? Better than you? Who I have kids with is none of your business, Niklaus."

Niklaus is shocked by Clarissa calling him Niklaus, as she has never done so before.

Elijah steps in before things get even worse. "Clarissa, we're just curious about your life after-"

"You're here to talk about school, not about my personal life. 

She looks at Freya and begins to apologize. "Forgive me for acting this way in front of you."

"You don't have to apologize, I understand. Thank you for allowing my niece to join this school."

"It's no problem."

"We should be going now."

Freya, Elijah and Rebekah are the first ones to leave but Klaus stops at the door and looks back at Clarissa.

"I am-"

"Save it. Your apologies mean nothing to me."

Klaus is hurt by her words and finally leaves. She walks over to the window and looks outside until she hears a voice behind her.

"You alright, angel?"

She turns around and sees Enzo standing in the doorway. She nods and makes her way over to him, giving him a hug. "I'll be okay."

ENZO IS ALIVE! I REPEAT ENZO IS ALIVE! (Think of Clarissa and Enzo as to Ariel and Damon! The friendships are similar! For those don't get what I mean, read my other story, Ariel Forbes - The Vampire Diaries!)

I'm sorry that I killed the Salvatores off but I had too because of the direction I'm going with in this story. You'll understand later on! I'm not sorry that I killed Hayley off because I've always hated her character.

Clarissa Forbes - Book One #Wattys2021Where stories live. Discover now