Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:

After Louis and I went to see the fans, we headed back to the building to get ready. It took about 30 minutes and after that we just had to wait patiently. Even though we were all ready to go about 15 minutes before the show was supposed to start, we ended up being late, again. It's a part of the schedule really, they give us the time to be late. Anyways, we finally step out as the music starts booming and the fans go crazy. I mean, literally insane. The girls in the front row were obviously crying before we even got out here, and there is a chaotic energy in the arena. The big lights find us and he start to run to the front of the stage, just like in rehearsals. Niall yells, "HELLO SAN FRANCISCO!! WELCOME TO THE WHERE WE ARE TOUR!!!" and the fans get impossibly louder than before.

About 20 minutes into the concert I walk over to Louis while Liam is talking to the crowd. "Why don't we tease the fans a bit today?"

Louis looks up at me, "You mean add some Larry? I'm all in!" he says with a grin. I smile back and pull him into a tight hug then whisper gibberish into his ear just to hear the fans start chanting "LARRY!! LARRY!! LARRY!!" I pull away from him and can't help but laugh a bit. They are so gullible. Then I have to remind myself that i'm the one who wanted to to hug him, I wanted to add in the Larry, and I don't know why.


Louis POV:

That hug was great, to say the least. No doubt about it, I may have a tiny little school girl crush  on none other than Harry Edward Styles. But i'll get over it. Right? Anyways, i'm standing here in front of thousands of people acting like they don't exist, so I better do something- I mean,  i'm not gay, I like girls, boobs, vaginas, right? Oh right, the fans! I quickly think of something to do and yell into the mic, "OI OII!!" and the fans go crazy. Right as I did that, I realized LIam was talking and he shot me a glare.

Right before we are supposed to start Little Things, Harry falls over. I run over to help him, definitely because i'm adding Larry, not because i'm worried about him. He laughs at himself and I hear it when I get over to him. I reach out my hand and he takes it, and slowly pulls himself back up. "Thanks," he mutters. Once we sit down in our positions, the music starts playing. I sing my solo right before Harry's so when i'm done I just look at him and take in his angelic voice. During the chorus, I think I almost heard him say "It's lou they add up to." He does this every time we want to add something, but I tense up nonetheless. Everyone gasps, which definitely confirms my suspicions, so I look at him and smile.

The rest of the show is pretty normal, at least for us. Harry comes to talk to me a few times, while wrapping his arms around me I might add. It's hard to get over someone when they act like this, when they look like a literal god. Anyways, when we finally are done we head backstage and all I want is a long nap, so I lay down on the couch and do just that.
After what seems like 2 minutes, but is nearly 30, Liam wakes me up and says we are going for drinks at a local bar. I slowly get up and follow everyone outside. For some reason, the fans are still here, after they saw us for hours, and watch us walk into our SUV. I love them, but their screams can get fucking loud.

After a long drive of Liam and Niall laughing about signs they saw during the concert, we finally arrived. The fans are here, too. They follow us everywhere. We jump out of the car and walk in a tight cluster surrounded by large security guys. Once we are inside, there is no one there except a few bartenders, so we walk up to them and order drinks.

When we sit down, I sit next to Harry. I like being close to him, I have to admit. But I also have to admit that I am 100% straight. No doubt. A bartender comes up to us and takes our orders. I'm so fucking tired I don't even know if I want one, so I get 6 shots of vodka. "Whoah mate, we aren't going heavy today!" Niall says, ironic, he ordered 4 shots of rum. The bartender comes back with our alcohol and we all take shots together.

"You're lucky you have me to get you home." Liam days over the music I just noticed playing.

"Liam you're just sad because you can't drink!" I say trying not to sound to angry. I'm angry because of my stupid feelings. With feelings, I like Harry. I get sassy, and people don't like it. If I didn't have feelings, I could get a nice girlfriend and marry her and convince myself I love her. So tonight, i'm hoping to rid those feelings and find a nice girl to fuck me. Right when i'm done with my shots, I order three more. It's a little more than necessary, but it won't hurt. I unconsciously yell something that can't be understood, and sway my way out of the bar. I think I can hear someone calling after me, but they can let me go. I tug away from the hands grabbing me and find a nice girl. a girl. Girls sound, unattractive, but i'm straight. I have to be. Management will kill me if i'm gay, so i'm straight. I find someone who has boobs and pull her away with me. We go into a restraint near and we go to the bathroom. She's noticeably excited to have sex with me, because the second the stall door closes, her lips slam against mine.

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