Chapter 8

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this is so short sorry😭

Louis POV:

Once Tom dismisses us after another crazy rehearsal, I walk back to my dressing room. When I enter I see my outfit for tonight laid out on the table. It's a pair of black skinnies with a gray t-shirt along with a blue denim jacket. Under the table I also spot a grey pair of toms. After I examine the clothes, I turn around a crash on the couch. I pull out my phone and look at fans posts on instagram. They sure look ready for tonight, I hope I am.

A few minutes into staring at the screen, there is a knock at the door. I reluctantly stand up from the couch and open the door. Harry is standing on the other side staring at me, almost nervously. When he doesn't say anything I start, "Hey Harry, whats u-"

"Hey Lou," he interrupts, "I um, wanted to ask you a question?" he says as he sits on the green couch.

"Sure, go ahead," I reply.

"I was um, wondering if you wanted to add some more Larry, since the fans loved it at the last show?" he says slowly.

"Yeah, sure," I say a little too quickly.

"Okay, cool, I guess I should go get ready now?"

"I mean, you can stay if you want, I wasn't doing anything and we still have three hours," say without thinking.

"Oh okay, what should we do?"

"We could go see the fans?" I say after thought.

"Yeah, that's not a good idea, sorry, what about we go play footie on stage?"

"Sure, always up for football!" I reply before we both stand up to leave. On the way I grab the football and we walk up the stairs.

Harry runs to the end of the walkway and yells, "Lou, pass it!!"

I drop the ball to the ground and kick it in a straight line. Harry stops it when it gets to him and kicks it back. When it comes back I decide to show off and juggle it on my knees for a moment until Harry yells, "Pass it back, you twat!"

"Ok, no need to be so sensitive!" I sarcastically reply.


Harry's POV:

There's ten minutes until showtime. I adjust my white shirt and tuck it into my gray trousers. Niall is standing close so I go over to talk to him.

"Sup, Nialler?"

"Just shaking off those last minute nerves, ya know?"

"Why don't we dance them out? That's what I like to do,"

"Haz, your dance moves are crazy, and not in a good way," He replies.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that, but come on!" I say excitedly.

I start dancing like a maniac and soon Niall follows my lead. "Hey, this is actually working!" He says through his imaginary hair whips.

"Yeah, now let's stop before we get too out of breath," I say while I slow down.

Niall and I start laughing at each other's dance skills and a few seconds later the sound guy says through the speaker, "One Direction, Places!"

We slowly ease out of our laughing fit as the rest of the boys come over and look at us strangely. I brush it off and stand in my spot, ready to be lifted to the stage.

"3...2...1...GO!" I hear over the speaker as we are shot up onto the stage. At first we are in the dark alone with screams from crying girls, then spotlights shine on all five of us.

The intro to Midnight Memories starts up and as we walk down the stage I yell into the mic,"Straight off the plane to a new hotel," and pause. The fans scream even louder than they can, it's deafening, really. Soo enough I once again yell, "Just touched down you could never tell," and continue singing.

Soon enough it's time for one of the songs I wrote, almost by myself, Happily. Remembering I was supposed to put in more Larry, I sit close to Louis and look at him while singing the first lines, "You don't understand, you don't understand, what you do to me when you hold her hand," Yes I changed it.

I can hear a few people chanting, "LARRY!!" I grin and look out at the crowd as my solo ends.

During Little Things I change the lyrics to "And all Lou little things," and the fans love it. I'm glad people support us, even if it's not real. I can feel the love in the room radiating off of the people like the sun. As soon as Little Things ends I decide to talk to the fans.

"Here at One Direction, we love love!" I say while prancing down the walkway. The fans start screaming as I lean over to say hello to some of them. "Do you people love love?" They reply with desperate screams that seem never ending until I tell them to quiet down.

"Aright, now, can everyone be silent, please?"

"Oh God, not this again," Louis scoffs.

"Oh, please Lou, I know you love it," I reply falsely angered.

He just turns around and rolls his eyes as the fans continue to laugh and scream, "Okay, now quiet down, you're ruining it!" I yell. The fans slowly quiet down until i;m satisfied. "OH YEAHHH!" I scream

"OH YEAHHH!" they repeat and try their best to go silent again.

I scream as more of a moan this time, "OHHHH YEAHHHH!!"

Once again, they repeat, "OHHHH YEAHHHH!!"

I laugh and try one more, the most of a moan than the others, "OHHHHH YEAAAHHH!!!"

They moan back, "OHHHHH YEAAAHHH!!!" as we laugh at their suggestive noises.

I walk over to my mic stand and say, "Geez, It's a family show!!"

They scream insanely loud through the pause and I say, "Or is it??" and they scream impossibly louder than before.


As the show nears its close, I prepare myself for the big Larry moment I have definitely not been waiting for, note the sarcasm.

I walk over to Louis and whisper into his ear, "I'm gonna kiss your cheek in a sec, okay?" he gives a small nod.

A moment later, while Liam is talking, I walk close to Louis and his hand brushes mine. I turn around and peck his cheek. He blushes, blushes, and I can audibly hear everyone in the stadium gasp. Liam saw what I did, but after a second he continues to talk like it's nothing.

I can see more faces on us than before and I give a small smirk before walking away from Louis.

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long for a short update but my mom is making me study for my tests but I should update tonight or tomorrow!!

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