Chapter 6

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Louis POV:

Harry sighs and turns around slowly. He gives me a sad look and opens the door to endless amounts of screams. The fans threaten the police's strength with their own as they push as hard as the possibly can. I take a second to realize Harry and I caused this. After I take it all in, he reaches for my hand and I pull away. Unwillingly, of course. I give him a frown and mouth, "They will be mad," sadly. He understands and nods, then walks out.

I walk slowly out behind him. The screams are impossibly louder as we walk through them. Some of the girls have bright red clearly from crying. Sometimes I feel bad for making these girls feel the way they do about us. Before we were famous, no girl gave a shit about me. Hell, I hadn't had my first kiss before Eleanor. I know they say they love us because we care about them, were attractive, and they love our music, but if we were a failed band they wouldn't think twice about any of that. I know they love the idea of me, not the real person I am.

As we come nearer to our black SUV I can start to see people walking along our little walkway. I wish I could say I had enough room to move freely, maybe run away, but I can barely get through even with the polices help. Harry reaches the SUV and walks as I reach the end of the walkway. I get in the car right behind him and we start driving away. The whole car ride is silent as we know the trouble we are in.


When we pull up to the hotel I see the worst face possible. The face of none other than Simon Cowell. "Well, what do we owe the pleasure?" I snap when I exit the car.

"Well, Louis, it seems you and Harry have a little, problem," he says back in a clearly exaggerated accent.

"And what's that?" Harry says defensively as he walks close behind me.

"You know, your little romance," Simon says urgently.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Cowell, but we are not dating!" I say sarcastically, but truly angry, and storm off. As I walk away angrily, I can hear Harry apologize to him and follow behind me. "Louis, that wasn't okay, he could fire you!" Harry scolds as he jogs up behind me.

"We both know he can't fire any of us, if he did it would make him bankrupt," I reply angrily. I walk up the stairs and into my room ignoring him telling me to stop. I slam the door behind me and sprawl out on my hotel bed. Once I adjust myself so I'm under the covers, I immediately fall into a deep sleep.

Harry's POV:

After Louis shuts his door on me, I feel a pang of hurt, but I ignore it. I need to fix this with Simon for myself and him. I walk back down the stair of the hotel to the lobby, and Simon is already gone. I ask the lady at the front desk, "Do you know where Simon went?"

"He went up to his room, Mr. Styles,"

"Okay, I know you won't tell me, but whats his room number?"

"Actually he told me to tell you if you or Mr. Tomlnson asked. It's Suite 9/13, on the 28th floor," she replies.

"Oh, okay, thanks," I look at her nametag, "Juliet!" and walk over to the elevator.

Once I arrive outside the door of Suite 9/13, I take a deep breath and knock slowly. Simon's bodyguard, Kevin, and let me in. Simon is sitting on the long gray couch drinking a margarita.

"Simon, I'm really sorry," I say, "It was all my fault, and please don't blame Louis!"

"Ah, standing up for your boyfriend, I see?" He replies cooly.

"No, he's not my boyfriend, I seriously don't know why you keep saying that!" I yell at him. I'm starting to get upset by now. I can tell why Louis wanted to storm off to his room.

"I see the way you two look at each other, I realize you're not dating, but you might as well be," he says, almost as if its a fact.

"Look, Simon, can you stop? I mean if we were dating, everyone knows you wouldn't let us be public, and we wouldn't tell you anyways," that didn't help my case, "BUT LOUIS AND I ARE JUST BEST FRIENDS AND IF YOU CAN'T SEE THIS THEN WE MIGHT AS WELL JUST LEAVE THE FUCKING BAND AND YOUR EVIL, INHUMANE ABUSE!!" I end up screaming and storm out of his Suite.


Louis didn't come out of his room for the rest of the night. I understand that he is upset with Simon, all he wanted to do was have some fun, but he is being a bit dramatic.

After I stormed out of Simon's room I went back to Louis and told him what happened. He didn't reply, but I'm hoping he heard. After I left his door, I ordered some comfort food for him through room service. I hope he at least eats.

Zayn, Niall, and Liam from apparently some museum? Anyways, they said it was a super cool modern museum. It had sculptures and loads of abstract art, and apparently a park, too. It sounds pretty boring compared to what we did. We have a bit more small talk, then at six, we walk over to the restaurant built into the hotel and order dinner.

"So, where's Louis anyways?" Liam questions me.

"Oh, he was just tired after our adventure," I reply slightly disappointed that he couldn't make it. I look over at Niall and Zayn, and they believe it, but Liam pushes on.

"What did you do, anyway?" Liam pushes on. I go silent and so does everyone else at the table. They all look at me expectantly when Niall blurts out, "I heard they had sex in a bathroom at Universal!"

"What?!" Liam and zayn half shout in unison.

"What? No, Niall, this is why you don't believe the media!" I scold, then continue, "Louis decided it would be a good idea to put on "disguises" and then go to Universal Studios. We were spotted and then we formed a scene and got trapped in a bathroom," I spit out quickly, "When we got back Simon was there and was really mad at us for leaving and because everyone thinks we fucked in a bathroom!" My voice raises just loud enough for some near people to stare.

"Oh, well that definitely isn't having sex in a bathroom," Liam replies. After he says that all I can think of is our almost-kiss. I still remember the feeling of Louis's hot, sweet breath blowing softly on my lips. His beautiful pooling blue eyes staring deeply into my emerald green ones. The small sigh I let out when Paul knocked on that door. If only that kiss had happened, then maybe we could move away from this strange friend-crush stage.

Everyone else chats while I remember what happened in that bathroom. What led to me sitting here feeling like I'm missing half of me, my Louis. But he's not mine, he is his own person, and he only likes me as a friend. After what seemed like an eternity, our food came to throw my thoughts far away into the abyss.

Author's Note:
Thank you all so much for reading!! I'm sorry I couldn't upload last night, I was almost done and then I fell asleep. I will try to start making the chapters longer, and please vote and comment❤️❤️❤️
Also message me if you have any recommendations for where the story goes!!
Love yaaaa

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