Chapter 7

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Authors Note:
Sorry if this is boring but it's kind of a filler chapter❤️❤️

Louis POV:

I woke up alone in my hotel room at around 11:00 PM. It's not 12:45 in the morning, and I'm terribly bored. I have been watching TV for the past two hours, and The Big Bang Theory can't keep me entertained forever. I'm still too angry at everyone in the world to go on my phone right now, and people probably made up some stupid excuse as to why I wasn't at dinner.

As soon as I get up off of the carpeted floor, I hear a knock. I wander over to the door slowly and open it cautiously. When I look through the crack I can see a tired Harry Styles waiting for me to let him in. Once I fully open the door he says "hello," quietly and walks right past me. I am about to tell him off with a sassy comment when I realize he's crying.

I walk up to harry and guide him to the couch to sit down. "Harry, are you okay? Is this about Simon?"

"He..." he whispers through his sobs, "He thinks we're dating, and he wants to keep us apart, and i told him that we are just best friends," For some reason, my heart broke a little bit when he said best friends, "and he called me an-an..." He stops, so I pull him into my chest to comfort him.

"What happened, love?" I say softly.

"He wants me to sleep with..." he sobs again, "Kylie Jenner..." and cries even louder.

I am in complete shock when he says this. I need time to process what he just said, but I can tell Harry needs me more. "Well, can't you just go over to her house and spend the night?" I say trying to find something, anything good about this situation.

"I tried t-to tell him n-no, but I'm not strong enough Louis!" I can tell he's starting to get angry with himself now, "Maybe you could tell him tomorrow?" he asks me while making painful eye contact.

"Of course, Haz," I answer back softly.

"Thank you so much, Lou, I don't what I would do without you," he says as he lays down on my bed. When he says that my breath hitches and I for some reason start to get nervous. I don't respond because I am lost for words, then he asks nervously, "Can I um...stay here tonight?" My cheeks heat up and I try to close my mouth while trying to find the right words.

"Of course Haz, I can sleep on the couch," I finally say.

Harry looks at me as if he wants to say something more to me, but can't bring himself to it. After a moment of awkward silence, he says, "Okay, um, thank you so much Lou," and lays back into my bed. I find an extra blanket in the closet and throw it over the couch before I lay down and realize just how tired I am. I try to fall asleep but I get cold and try to keep in as much warmth as possible. I can hear Harry adjusting and he quietly asks, "Lou, are you cold? You can, um, come up here if you want..." he mumbles tiredly.

"Okay," I whisper, trying not to disturb Harry too much. When I walk over to the bed and lift the covers up, Harry turns over to look at me. As I crawl under into the warm sheets he continues to stare at me, and I'm happy it's dark because I'm blushing furiously. Once I get comfortable I look back at Harry and watch his eyes flutter closed. I continue to watch him fall into a deep sleep and I fall asleep to the sound of his soft, beautiful, rhythmic breathing.


When I wake up I see another face sleeping peacefully in the bright morning light. I almost scream until I realize it's Harry and the events of late last night playback in my mind. I smile to myself as his beautiful lashes guide his eyes fluttering open, to reveal his deep, mesmerizing, emerald green eyes. We are definitely closer together than when we woke up, but I don't mind.

"Hey," Harry says through his husky morning voice.

I smile to myself and say, "Good morning, Haz,"

"I'm sorry about last night, I just needed someone to talk to," Harry starts.

"No, Love, it's fine, I'm glad you felt like you could talk to me and I hope your feeling better," I reply and pull him into a hug. We keep holding each other for a few minutes before we slightly pull apart and become more comfortable. My arm is still lazily thrown over his chest and our legs become tangled together, but I don't mind, and he doesn't seem to either.

We lay there, tangled in each other's presence for the most peaceful and relaxing ten minutes of my life until Liam interrupts our innocent cuddles with a loud knock, "Louis, you better get up!! Have you seen Harry?"

"Yeah, he's right here, Liam, I'm getting ready, GO AWAY!!" I end up yelling. I flash a sad smile towards Harry before saying, "Love I think we need to get to breakfast," and he slowly gets up. I frown as I watch him sit up on the bed and stretch. As cute as he is yawning and looking like an angel, I miss the feeling of our bodies tangled together under the covers.

I get up too. Harry left without a word right after he got up, much to my disappointment. I walk over to my unpacked suitcase and find an outfit for rehearsal. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a gray tank top. Once I brush my hand through my messy hair and put on some slides, I head down to breakfast.

I eat two pancakes and an orange. After we finish our breakfast I run quickly up to my room to grab a pair of converse, put them on, then we walk outside. The paparazzi are already there, even though it's six in the morning. I put my head down as we walk past them on our way to our car.

The drive to the stadium, The Forum, was silent. Everyone except Liam was too tired to talk and Liam is always quiet during car rides. Zayn is looking through his phone camera at his hair and Niall is eating a leftover apple from breakfast. Harry is looking out the window and Liam is looking at his phone.

Once we get to The Forum we all follow a guy backstage into our dressing rooms. Mine has blue walls with a long green leather couch. There is a wall devoted to mirrors, and bright lights everywhere. After I take the room in, our choreographer, Tom, knocks on the door. I open it and he says plainly, "Be out on stage in 5 minutes, just go the end of the hall and up the stairs.

"Thank you, Tom," I reply.

When I go up to the stage Liam and Niall are there already throwing water at each other. I grab a water bottle and start flinging the water towards them. Niall starts laughing so hard he slips on the wet stage and falls over. Liam and I fall to the floor laughing after that. Harry comes out and starts to laugh at us all on the floor. As he walks over to us he, sure enough, slips on the water and falls over next to me. Zayn comes out, and seeing us on the floor, he decides to jump on me. We all stars laughing loudly and when Tom comes out we are a heap of laughing children on the floor.

Author's Note:
I hope you all enjoyed larry cuddles! This is my longest chapter and i'll try to keep making them longer, love yaaa❤️❤️

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