Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

"Lou, I look crazy!" I whisper as we sneak into a car from the back door.

"I look crazier with your weird shirt." he replies as we get into the backseat of the car. The whole car ride is pretty quiet, there is suspense building up to our little excursion.

"Wow," I say as we pull up. After we walk through the street lined with shops unnoticed, we stop at the giant ball spinning at the entrance. In the distance I can hear screams and laughter, which makes me even more expand nervous. "Lou, maybe this was a bad idea," I say as a group of teenage girls pass us and we duck our heads down.

"We'll be fine as long as we avoid girls like that," he replies quietly. Louis suddenly hands me his phone and says, "Take a picture of me!" He walks in front of the Ball and Universal logo and I snap a few pictures, they turn out great. Next, I hand him my phone and he takes some of me. He is about to post it on his Instagram story when I say, "Wait, we will definitely be caught if you post that now." and he nods his head to show me he understands.

Next we walk up to the gate and buy two tickets. Luckily, the middle aged man doesn't seem to know who we are so we get by without any problems. The second we are in Louis starts jumping up and down in excitement. "Haz!! We are in!!" he almost yells so I have to stop him.

"Lou, people are going to see us!!"

"Harold, you're way too paranoid." He says and starts sprint towards Harry Potter Land, almost knocking over a little girl in the way. As I follow him, I can't help but apologize to her mum.

Once I catch up to him, or rather he stops and waits for me, he grabs my hand and starts running. The feeling of his hand in mine is amazing, to say the least. It's almost familiar even though he's never grabbed it like this before, and I hope it lasts forever, but sadly, all good things must come to an end. He pauses in front of the giant castle and quickly lets go of my hand. I have to hide a small frown as he turns to me with a giant grin. "You wanna go on this one Harry?"

"Sure!!" I'm not sure what it is but i'm excited to go on it with Louis. We chat and look at our phones, we also show eachother memes of ourselves and laugh.

We are halfway through the line when he asks, "So, Haz, you have a crush?"

I don't know what to say, but I know i'm turning red. Does Louis count as a crush? I mean I can't say it now but I can say yes if I do like him. But do I? I decide to just take a deep breath in hopes it will erase the redness from my face and mutter, "Yes..."

"Ooh, who is the lucky lady?" He pushes on.

Well shit, Louis, it's you, but I can't say that. My face definitely turns red again because Louis looks closer into my eyes, and it's killing me. I wish he would stop looking at me, I wish I wouldn't have feelings for him, but he's making it near impossible.  So I say the first girl who comes to my mind.

"Taylor Swift."

"Not again, Harry, I don't know if you remember but you already dated her."

"Of course I remember! I'm not one to forget someone's name after we had sex!" I laugh as Louis looks upset at me.

"I was very drunk, okay?" He laughs. I laugh again and the conversation ends, being replaced by comfortable silence.

Soon enough we are on the ride, and it's a lot more intense then I thought it would be. I naturally grab the thing closest to me, which is Louis hand. I realise the mistake I made as he tenses up, and when I am about to pull away he's relaxes and grabs it back. Luckily for me, we stay holding hands the rest of the ride.

Once the ride is over, which was too soon in my opinion, I pull my hand away. I look over at him and give a nervous smile to see his reaction. He has the biggest smile on his face and his eyes are lit up with playful happiness. Suddenly, he gets up and yells, "Lets go again!"

Nothing much happens the second time. Much to my dismay, we didn't hold hands this time. But when we got off he had the same bright smile spread across his face. As we stepped into the light I saw a group of teenage girls eyeing us. "Louis, don't look now, but I think we've been spotted," I whisper in his ear. Right when Louis decides to look over, despite my warning, the girls start to walk towards us.

"RUN!!" Louis yells and we both take off trying not to hit anyone in the process.

Once we get outside into the main area, we start to break down in laughter. Then Louis says, "Hipefully they don't follow us!"

"Hopefully they don't post anything, or else our outing will be cut short, and it's only four o'clock!" I say through laughter. We decide to keep moving towards the Simpsons are in case they did decide to follow us. I almost feel like more people are looking at us while we're walking, so I start to get worried. Our hands brush and I almost reach for his when a girl yells, "OH MY GOD ITS HARRY AND LOUIS!!" and everyone turns to us. We start to run again but are caught in a mob of people who somehow heard the girl. While papers, napkins, clothing, and everything else are being shoved our way to sign, Louis reaches for me and leads us into a bathroom. We quickly lock the door and call the security team.

After a long talk and scolding from them as to why we left and went to a theme park all alone, they say they will be here in 20 minutes with the police. "I really don't want the police to get involved with this," I say.

"Harry, it's fine, it's all my fault anyways, i'm sorry for dragging you into this. I'm just so tired of not having fun and being normal."

"Me too, Lou." We sit there for a few seconds and just look into each others eyes. Once I realise how close we are to eachother, I glance down at his lips then give my most manly cough I could muster. He breaks the eye contact and pulls out his phone, when he opens twitter, the number one trend worldwide is Larry Stylinson.

Authors Note:
I wish their "date" didn't have to be interrupted but not everything can be perfect. There were some pretty cute moments in there though, so I hope you enjoyed it!!
Love yaaaaaa❤️

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