Chapter 10

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Harry's POV:

I blink open my eyes to the morning light and the first thing I know is that it smells like Louis. I turn my head to the opposite side and see him softly snoring. His cute perfect face happily resting in a deep sleep. I decide it would be better to just lay here and stare at every feature while I can, than to wake him up. After a minute or two his eyes start to flutter, and it makes me smile. His eyes slowly open and he looks into my green one through his dark lashes. He smiles and whispers, "Hi, Hazza,"

I smile even wider and whisper back, "Hi, Lou,"

We lay there looking into each other's eyes for who knows how long. There is no time when you look into Louis Tomlinson's eyes. Just a dashing sea of the most perfect blue I have ever seen. Without thinking, I glance down at his lips for a millisecond and I almost see a smirk on his face. He almost starts to lean in before I realise I don't know why I'm here.

I sit up abruptly and Louis follows me, and I realise I'm shirtless. "What um, happened, last night?" I can as I clear my croaking voice.

"Actually, i'm not sure, we got pretty pissed," He replies thoughtfully.

I have a strange feeling that something more than just us getting tired and falling asleep in the same bed happened, but I wouldn't know what else. I contemplate asking before I decide to, "Did we, um, do...anything?" I almost whisper.

"Honestly, Harry, I have no fucking idea, and nothing is coming back, I was so drunk I was probably half conscious by the time we got back here.

I suddenly whimper in pain as I realise how much my fucking head hurts.

"I'll go get some Advil," Louis notices and walks over to his suitcase. I stand up when he does, and I instantly regret it. I fall back down on the bed and mumble, "How are you alive right now?"

"I'm not, but I have to take care of my baby," He says with a smile as he sits down beside me with the Advil. He pats my knee which is suddenly tingling and says, "You should be able to at least sit up, babe,"

I smile to myself at him calling me "babe," before lifting my upper body up.

I take it with a thanks and swallow it. God I hope it starts working soon, or I might have to sleep forever. I look back at Louis and when our eyes catch each other, he smiles, and I love it. He has a perfect smile, the kind that just makes you want to smile and scream of joy. This time, I think I see his eyes flash at my lips, and now I'm trying to hide a smirk. He's so fucking aborable, but I refuse to think that. Or at least I want to refuse to think about it, but a part of me wants to, and I want to listen to that part. I slowly lean in and search his eyes for any warning to stop, but I see nothing except happiness. He closes my eyes when I feel his breath across my lips. I take one last look at his face before closing my eyes and slowly letting our lips meet. Neither of us pull away, we both just cherish every feeling coming out of it. We know we shouldnt be like this, but we both want it so fucking bad. We slowly move our lips together, hoping it would last forever.

The door opens.

Louis jumps up with shocked eyes.


Louis POV:

I like Harry, alot.

I hate Liam, alot.

I was finally starting to feel happy, kiss someone I really liked. Then Liam had to ruin it, like always. There is always someone coming in the way of my fucking happiness.

I jumped up so quickly when the door clicked open I was worried I died and flew out of my body. I am happy to say i'm still alive, mostly. Harry looked up at me with an unreadable expression, but I probably looked similar.

"ARE YOU READY TO GO TO JAPAN??" Liam yells happily.

"No, Payno, get the fuck away, and close the door!" I yell back.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were with Harry," he says with a smirk and leaves. I brush him off and clear my throat.

"Um, well I guess I should shower," I say awkwardly. Harry just nods, he looks disappointed, and he leaves silently while I find clothes.


The moment the warm water from the shower head hits my face, I remember everything.

Flashback to the night before:

Harry slams me against the door in a hungry kiss. I let out a small moan and his tongue travels into my mouth, exploring, and I'm enjoying it. I fiddle with the hotel card in my pocket until I pull it out. I force myself to move my lips from Harry's mouth as I find the doorknob. He moves his lips to my neck and starts to suck at my weak spot. I try my hardest not to fall on the ground with my knees trembling so much, and I finally open the door.

We fall onto the bed with Harry on top of me. A battle for dominance erupts in our mouths and our tangled tongues are at war. I overthrow him from above me and role over, him giving up fighting. His hand travel up and down my sides and under my shirt. Harry pulls it off, seeing as he's already become familiar with my tattooed chest. I begin to tug at the bottom of his shirt once mine is off, and he takes it off hastily. We continue to make out for who knows how long. I love feeling him. I love his tongue slowly exploring every corner of my mouth, and me doing the same in his. His touch on my bare skin is electrifying and I am at his mercy. We soon get tired from just making out, but are both too tired to go any further.

I fall over from my position on top of him, and we both are passed out seconds later.

End of flashback

We are loaded on a private jet on our way to Tokyo, Japan. I know I need to talk to Harry about our feelings, but we are both still a bit hungover. I take a nap in a bunk bed for an hour or two.

When I wake up we are still 7 hours away from Tokyo. Harry is currently sleeping so I have time to think of what to say.

"What are you thinking about?" Zayn asks.

I contemplate telling him what im really thinking about, Harry. I need help figuring out what we are or if we could be something, and Zayn could help me. He could aslo be totally disgusted by the fact the I might be gay and want me our of the band. I look up in his hazel eyes and decide.

"Can I, um, ask you something?"

"Anything, Lou,"

"I think I like Harry, a lot," I whisper.

"Finally, you realised, and that wasn't a question," he says with a laugh, breaking the tension,

"What do you mean i finally realised?" I inquire.

"We all knew you liked eachother since the X Factor, you are kind of a fucking idiot for just realising this now," Zayn says, matter of factly.

"Wow, you all knew?"

"Yeah, and we all support you 100%, was there anything else?"

"Well, yeah, I think we made out last night but I don't think Harry remembers because we were super drunk and it all came back to me when I was in the shower and it was really fun an-"

"Louis, you're rambling," Zayn cuts me off.

"Sorry, I just know I need to talk to him, but I don't know what to say. We kissed again this morning but Liam interrupted it," I said and looked up at Zayn. He had a fond look in his eyes as he laughed a little.

"I promise you will do fine, he obviously likes you too, so theres nothing to worry about, you just need clarification."

"Okay, Thank you Zayn, you really helped," I say.

"Of course, Lou. You can talk to me anytime," He says and pulls me into a hug, "I love you no matter what."

He starts to walk away, but when he turns the corner he comes back and says, "Harry's up, you should talk," I nod and try to at least form a basic plan.

Author's Note:
I hope you like Chapter 10!!
I tried to have them make out but I feel like it was really bad, what did you think?

I hope you all have a great day and please vote if you liked it!!!
Love yaaaaaaaa

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