Chapter 9

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Louis POV:

As the stage lights shut off and we run backstage, the fans still screaming our names, we are greeted with our crew. They urge us through the corridor and out through the back doors. There is a wall of bodyguards with fans behind them. We all try to keep our heads down as the white flashes light up my vision. We walk through the path and into the black SUV. The driver closes the door after we pile in the back, and we are quickly driven off. Not a minute after, Harry receives a call from none other than Simon Cowell.

Harry puts the phone on speaker and mumbles, "Hello?"

"Harry, I need you to go down to management's office as soon as possible, bring Louis with you," Simon says urgently.

"Why?" Harry questions.

"You will find out when you arrive there, goodbye," Simon quickly says and hangs up, leaving us without a choice.

Liam clears his throat seconds after and says, "Well, they can drop us off at the hotel then bring you two over there?"

"Yeah," Harry and I mumble in unison.


An awkward silence fills the car the second the boys are dropped off. Neither Harry nor I have any idea what's happening or why Simon would want us at management this late.

Harry clears his throat abruptly and I jerk my head towards him. He stares back up at me and we hold eye contact as he smirks. I laugh and say, "What was that for?"

He laughs at me and says, "What did I do?" knowingly.

"Cheeky, Styles," I grin and turn my head to the window. I can feel his eyes linger on me for a few seconds longer before he turns around. Shortly after we pull up to a large gray building and are led into the lobby.

We are followed by Paul into the elevator, and we are taken up to the 28th floor. A few moments later of comfortable silence there is a small ding to signal we are here. Harry and I take a deep breath and walk through the elevator door.

The receptionist turns her head to us and smiles, "Mr. Styles, Mr. Tomlinson, follow me please," she says with authority laced in her tone.

A few seconds later we are faced in front of a large glass door. Harry and I glance at each other before pushing it open. Paul leaves us and goes to sit down somewhere, as we are met with a black haired woman with a stern and cold glare on her face.

"Louis, Harry, good evening, I am assuming you are wondering why you are here?"

"Yes," I reply coldly.

"Well, Simon has been recently concerned with your special... bond," She says, motioning between the two of us.

"I swear to fucking God, we are not dating!" I say sternly.

"Well, why are you acting like it?" she pushes.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we are just close friends, and I see nothing wrong with that," Harry says calmly, opposite of my rising anger.

"Harry, why aren't you upset, they're going to make us do some crazy shit because we look gay!" I yell at him.

"Louis, i'm sure they won't do that, we're just friends," he replies, once again calm.

"Well, what the fuck were you going to say?" I yell as I turn back to the woman.

She holds a glare towards me as she says, "Well, Simon wants you to stay away from each other in public," she says authoritatively.

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