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It was the dawn of a new day. Brinn has just woken up at around 6:00. She was supposed to meet Kai in the square at 10:00.

Brinn got dressed but didn't put on her usual blue hoodie. She wore a white collared shirt with blue stripes. She finished getting ready at around 7:00. Her new little sister wasn't awake yet so she sat down on her couch and relaxed for a bit.

Brinn was a bit anxious to tell Kai how she felt, she didn't know if she was ready. She was still trying to figure things out and really wouldn't admit to herself that she liked him.

Brinn took deep breaths for a while until she realized that it was almost 8:00. Brinn had to quickly wake up Kaia and take her to Pearl and Marina's, who offered to watch her.

Brinn quickly made some pancakes for Kaia, and afterwards walked Kaia to Pearl and Marina's.

By the time she dropped Kaia off, it was already 9:00. Brinn is usually always early so she decided to head over.

It looks like it was 9:50 when she got there. Brinn took a seat at one of the tables in the square and waited for him to show up.

Around 20 minutes later (10 minutes past Kai was supposed to be there) Kai shows up, running and breathing heavily.

"Sorry, I'm late! I lost track of time." Kai scratched his head and sat down nervously. "S-so you wanted to talk to me? What- is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, I just wanted to talk to you."

"Really, why! Did I do something wrong?! If I did something wrong please tell me because I don't want to hurt your feelings and-"

"Kai, calm down! You didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh, well then. Why did you want to talk to me?" Kai looked at her, tilting his head slightly.

"Oh! Yeah! Umm......" Brinn paused, sweat starting to drip from her head. "I just, Uh..."

"Oh, I get it!" Kai smiled.

"You do?!" Brinn started to get flustered.

"Yeah! You wanna take me out!" Kai smiled.

"What?!? I Uh" Brinn blushed slightly.

"You wanna take me out in a turf war! That rematch you were talking about!"

"Oh, Yeah! That's all- the rematch!" Relief washed over her.

"So... you wanna set up a match? It can be just you and me! One on one!"

"Ok, but don't think anything of it! It's just a rematch!" Brinn turned away flustered.

"Well, ok! I'll go set one up!" Kai goes and runs to set up a match then signals to Brinn that it's ready.

Kai and Brinn both went into the lobby, the stage was The Reef. After a while of them strategizing, the match finally began.
(Moving to Kai's perspective)

Kai started to ink his spawn. After he did that he went straight for the middle. He didn't see Brinn yet, so he started to ink some turf. Suddenly a glob of Ink comes at him. Kai quickly dodge rolls away and tries to splat her from behind, but Brinn was one step ahead of him.

Brinn quickly used her ink and swam behind him and spatted him before he could splat her.

"Nice try! But you have to do better than that!" Brinn yelled, a smug look on her face.

"Aww, man! I'll splat you at least once!"

"Come and get me... if you can!"

"Oh- I will!"

After a while, Kai kept on trying to splat Brinn, but he always ended up getting splatted. He tried to win as well, but he lost the match in the end.

At the end of the match, Kai and Brinn met up in the middle.

"Ha! I won! Our rematch was successful!"

"Well, I don't think so! Can we do another rematch?" Kai asked her.

"Uh, sure if you want! But be prepared to get your butt kicked!" Brinn said in a playful, but competitive tone.

So Brinn and Kai reset the stage and they Started up another match, but just like the last time, Kai didn't splat Brinn once. On top of that, she won again. This process repeated for around 6 more matches.

Kai was getting tired and they were both covered in sweat. Kai had his hands on his knees and he was covered in ink.

"Do you want to take a break? You seem tired? I don't want you to get hurt..... not like I care if you do though- but seriously..."

"No! I'm fine! I hardly ever get tired, I can stay up all night if I wanted to! Ok... hear me out, just... one more match!" Kai stood up straight.

"Sure, but just don't tire yourself out too much...."

"Oh, ok, thank you, Brinn. Your very nice!" Kai smiled his classic smile.

"S-shut up! Don't think anything of it ok!"


So Brinn and Kai started off once again. The match began and it started off like the others.

After around two minutes, Kai has barely inked anything. Kai was trying to regain as much turf as he could, but Brinn was always one step ahead of him.

After around 30 seconds Brinn and Kai met in the middle. They were face to face with only 20 seconds left in the match, but Kai was determined.

"Ok! Let's make this count!" Kai ran at Brinn, trying to splat her.

Brinn dodged him, "Come and get me!"

"I will, just watch!"

At this point it was almost hopeless, there were only 5 seconds left, and just as Brinn was about to splat him, Kai threw a torpedo and it hit Brinn directly. The ink splatted everywhere and it splatted Brinn! Then the match was over.

After the match Kai and Brinn met back in the square. They were both covered in ink, but Kai has a big grin on his face.

Brinn looked over at him, slightly confused. "Wait, why are you so happy? You lost every match."

"Because! I accomplished my goal! I got to splat you!"

"Oh! Well good job, but next time I promise you that you won't get the chance!"

"Hey Brinn..."

Brinn looked at him a confused look on her face. "Yes? What is it?"

"I really enjoyed hanging out with you today" Kai blushed.

"It was nice hanging out with you too, but don't think much of it."

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now, thanks for inviting me to do the rematch!"

"Well, you know I'm always down for a rematch!"


Brinn paused for a moment, thinking about her next words. "Hey Kai, can I tell y-"

"Hey Kai!" A familiar voice came up from behind them.

Brinn looked at her, her eyes wide. It was Ruby......

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now