-A Little Change in Scenery-

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(A few days later)

It was another quiet morning. There was a haze that covered the sun with dark clouds. The world felt dark even though it was only 10 o'clock.

Kai lay in the same spot that he did three days ago. Laying flat on his bed staring up at the ceiling. His tentacles were a mess and he smelled awful. He wore the same clothes that he wore for the past few days.

Kai wore bags under his eyes, and the same white long sleeve shirt. His eyes were closed and he was peacefully sleeping once again in his bed. There wasn't a sound that interrupted it. It was for once complete silent.

Kai slept in until 1 o'clock. The bags under his eyes slowly leaving. Once he woke up he sat up straight in his bed and looked over his phone which didn't seem to have any new messages.

Kai lay back down and looked back up at the ceiling. How Long is it gonna be like this? Kai took a deep breath when suddenly the sound of his phone startled him.

Kai day back up and looked over at his phone. He had one new message from Sol! Kai unlocked his phone and respond to him.

Sol: Hay how are you doing?

Kai: im doing better i guess...

Sol: well that's good, hay I'm sorry about a few days ago, I don't know why I got so mad.

Kai: its ok...I understand.

Sol: well I have one more question for you?

Kai: yes what is it?

Sol: well me and a few others are going to the park this afternoon and we were wondering if you wanted to come?

Kai: i dont know...who's coming?

Sol: well it would be me, Brinn, Kaia, and Niki.

Kai: and the others?

Sol: there not coming it would just be us five.

Kai: oh ok...

Sol: so are you coming?

Kai: i dont know...probably not... im still not feeling the best...

Sol: ok... take your time :)

Kai: ok...

Kai looked up at the ceiling he didn't know wether he should go or not. He hadn't been outside for around a week. He took a deep breath.

What should I do? Should I go? Would they even want me there? Kai stood up and got out of his bed. He started to wander around his house

I mean they did invite me so I guess it would be okay if I go...but I still look like a mess and I smell awful...maybe the next time when I feel this bad I should just take showers they are relaxing. Kai walked to his kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

Then again I can always take a shower, and wash my cloths... you know what! It's about time for a change of scenery! Kai flipped his pancake, which was burnt, and then plopped it onto his plate.

With a smile on his face he ate his burnt pancakes, and decided to get ready. He got changed and let his clothes go through the wash. He took a long hot shower and then put on his freshly washed clothes.

Kai put on his shoes and and ran out the door. It felt like the first time he got out of his wheelchair. The world felt smaller as he grew taller. He ran as fast as he could and felt the wind blow his tentacle and it repeatedly smacked him in the face, but he didn't mind.

As he was running he passed by that shop with the jacket that he wanted. He paused looking at it for a moment, and a smile crept onto his face.

You know what, I think it's time for a new style!

Kai marched into the store, grabbed the jacket, and bought it. He immediately put it on and he felt his smile grow larger.

Kai went out of t he store and started back to the park at a steady pace. He walked with his hands in the pockets of his new jacket and he felt the pain wash away.

If no one ever likes me again... we'll I guess that it's not my fault...

Kai closed his eyes as he walked, listening to the sounds around him. Kai took a deep breath.

At least now... things can't possibly get any worse...

Kai smiled and opened his eyes to realize that he was at the park. It took him a moment but then he saw his friends...

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now