-"See you soon..."-

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It was 10:00. Kai would normally be in bed sleeping at this time but instead he was looking in the mirror straightening is poorly tied tie. Kai normally didn't wear anything fancy, but he knew he needed to.

Kai sat down on his bed and carefully put his shoes on. He then waited for a moment looking around his room. Kai then stood up and then proceeded to walk out of his apartment to meet Ruby at the square.

Kai walked around once again looking at the scenery. He watched the trees wave at him, and the water drip from the leaves onto a small puddle on the ground.

It took Kai a while to get to the square, but once he did, he realized that Ruby wasn't there yet.

Kai looked around and waited for Ruby to get there. It took her a while but she got there.

Ruby was wearing a short fancy dress, with sharp stiletto heels, and she was carrying she bags and rolling two suitcases behind her.

Ruby placed her bags down and sat next to Kai. Ruby leaned over and crossed her legs putting her elbows on the table and she held her head up.

"So I head you made your decision" Ruby's lips curled up.

"Acutely I have, and that's why we are here"

"Well then, I'm glad you finally made up your mind!"

"Well it did take a while, but I made my decision." Kai smiled, a more confident look on his face.

"So what might it be Kaile? Who did you choose? Even though the choice was obvious all along."

"Acutely your right, the choice was obvious," Kai stood up in his chair.

"So what will it be?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't go with you... I have too much over here that I can't leave."

Ruby's face furrowed into a nasty expression, "Excuse Me! What did you just say!" Ruby jilted up from her char.

Kai stood his ground, "I can't leave."

"Why can't you leave! I thought I was the most important to you!"


Ruby walked over to Kai and slapped him hard across the face, all while stomping on his feet. "YOU SUN OF A- FINE! YOU WERE NOTHING TO ME! YOR WERE ALWAYS NOTHING!"

Kai fell back into his chair, wincing from the pain.


Kai looked at her stunned, tears flooding his eyes. "Wait, wh-"

"Don't you EVEN START! YOUR A NOTHING! AND I MADE YOU SOMETHING! YOUR STUPID, RECKLESS AND YOU WONT EVER FIEN ANYONE WHO WILL EVER LIKE YOU!" Ruby turned around gathering her things. "You lost your last shot, you blew it and you won't ever find love again!"

Ruby walked off, she wore her head high and her posture was straight. She left him there all alone once again.

Kai stared at where she left his eyes wide and feeling with tears. He started to tremble his thoughts overwhelming him once again.

Did that really just happen? He thought bringing his arms up and crossing them over his chest. His shoulders were brought up covering half of his neck on either side.

Kai looked off Into the distance and couldn't help but feel his eyes start to swell. The felt the warm liquid pour from his eyes.

Was she right? Will no one ever love me again?

Kai stood up, holding his arm. The tears were now rushing down his face. Kai waited for a moment before running off as fast as he could towards his apartment. It hurt his feet because he was running so fast, but he didn't care.

Kai eventually made it home and he laid down on his bed and curled up into his covers even though it was only 5:00.

Was she the only one would would acutely love me?

Manny thoughts flooded his head. Tears streaming down his face. Kai didn't eat, but he eventually found himself fast asleep next to his tear soaked pillows...

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now