-My Little Friend-

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Kai lay there on his bed tired, with no thoughts going through his head. His eyes were open but yet his brain was still asleep.

Kai blinked slowly as he look at his pillow. He realized that he could sleep in as long as he wanted that day because he didn't have a date with Ruby that night.

Kai breathed steadily, his eyes half opened and his mouth curved into a small frown. He was so tired but he had to get up eventually.

Kai sat up from his bed, his grey eyes glistening in the morning sun rays that bounce from the window to the side of his bed.

He turned his head to his nightstand to look at his phone. He slowly scooted over on his bed closer to it and then grabbed his phone.

Kai laid back down on his bed and lifted his phone above his head as he watched the clock change from 8:59 to 9:00.

Kai slammed his arms down on either side of him, still not wanted to get up or approach the day that was in front of him.

Kai turned around on his bed. His tentacles twisted making his tentacles all tangled and messed up. After a while he didn't realize he drifted back into sleep.

It was around 10:00 when Kai woke up again. He didn't realize he drifted off again. Kai's phone lay beside him and he stared at it.

Kai looked at his phone when suddenly it started to buzz which made Kai jump.
Why is someone calling me? No one has ever called me before...

Kai picked up the phone and answers in a groggily. "Hello?" Kai rubbed his eyes and sat up in his bed.

"Hay Kai? This is Brinn Uh Can you watch Kaia today?" Brinn asked shyly.

"Uh, acutely today I'm free. I can watch her if you want." Kai smiled even though he knew that Brinn couldn't see him.

"Ok, great! Thank you so much!"

"Hay wait, why are you calling me? You never call."

"Oh well um... I'm acutely at Niki's and I left my phone at home. I was going to text you but someone said I should call" Brinn looks at Niki and glared at her.

"Your welcome Kai!" A muffled voice said through the phone.

Kai blushed, but tried not to make it notable in his voice. "S-so um... is that all you wanted or do you want to talk?" Kai asked rubbing the side of his neck.

"I mean if you want to....I don't really care or anything."

"Oh ok, well um..."

"Uh wait! Um I didn't tell you what time I'm going to drop off Kaia."

"Oh! Yeah, so what time?" Kai asked Brinn a smile on his face.

"I'll probably drop her off at around 1:30 is that ok with you?" Brinn asked her voice slowly highlighting in pitch.

"Yeah! That's fine! I guess I'll see you in a few hours!" Kai's face turned red, his smile stretched from ear to ear.

"Ok great!! It looks like I'll see you there! Well I'll leave you be to get ready."


Brinn hung up the phone and Kai immediately jumped out of bed. He got dressed in his normal clothes and made sure that his place was decent.

Kai normally didn't clean. He normally just threw things in the places he thinks that it should go but not he is regretting that choice.

It took Kai a few hours to make sure his apartment was clean but. Even then it was still messy.

Ah shoot! What am I going to do! Their going to be here in less then 10 minutes and this place is still a mess! Kai looked around his house to see half of the room cleaned up and the other half a complete mess.

Kai decided that he could only clean what he could and that he had to make due with the time that he had.

Kai did the best he could in the 10 minutes that he had. He tried and cleaned but realized that he wasn't very good at it.

After a while Kai heard a knock on his apartment door. This startled Kai but he managed. Kai ran to the door dusting himself off then opening the door to let both Brinn and Kaia in.

"C-come on it!" Kai stuttered, a bit embarrassed by the way his apartment looked.

Brinn walked in, Kaia following just behind, her tentacle warped around Brinn's and holding her hand.

"Thank you so much for watching her," Brinn turned to Kai, "I wouldn't know what to do if you couldn't. Pearl and Marina are busy and I'm going to hang out with Niki tonight."

Kaia let go of Brinn's hand and her tentacle slowly unwound as she walked away to sit on Kai's couch.

Kai rubbed the back of his neck, and smiles. "Well I'm happy to watch Kaia! It feels like I haven't see you or Kaia in a while."

"Yeah, I know. I miss hanging out with you. I mean You know, because we're friends."


"Well again, thank you so much! This means a lot to me."

"W-Well, anytime!" Kai smiles and a tint of red washed over his face.

"Well anyway Niki is waiting for me, so I better get going." Brinn said starting to walk off.

"Wait! If you don't mind me asking, what are you guys doing?" Kai asked looking to Brinn.

"Oh, well apparently Niki got a car? She needs some help on driving it and I'm too scared to leave her alone with any vesicle. We are also going to go and see a movie" Brinn smiled stifling a laugh.

"That would make sense, she kinda scares me, also I hope you have a good time!"

"Thank you, well I've got to go. I should be back before 8:00."

"Alright well, Bye Brinn!"

"Bye Kai!" Brinn waves goodbye and then she disappeared as the door closed behind her.

Now That she was gone. Kai had a different responsibility. Kai has to watch a 5yo, and Kai has no clue what to do...

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