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Kai gazed at the sky as and watched the sun set on the horizon. He had no expression on his face.

Kai stood up feeling the breeze as he felt his tentacle sway in the wind. He squinted his eyes as he watched the final part of the sun sink into the sky.

Kai took a deep breath as he calmed himself down. His body slowly stopped shaking and and he finally relaxed.

Kai closed his eyes for a minute soaking in the world around him. As he opens his eyes is focused was clear and he need to think.

Kai started to walk off to go home. He looked around seeing other Inklings and Octoling jumping around, and even a few arguing.

Kai let out a sigh. He had no idea what he was going to do. Does he go back to Octo Vally with Ruby, and to see one of his old friends, or does he stay here with his new ones.

The breeze made Kai shiver because it was still a bit cold outside. Kai hugged his arms and walked further along the sidewalk his thoughts leading the way.

Kai looked around as the street lights lit up because the sky was dark. Kai was also a bit afraid because he didn't like the dark. He had always been afraid of it, but being alone never bothered him.
What am I going to do... I Just don't know.... Kai thought as he walked aimlessly around the square.

Another sigh escapes him, his eyes tearing from the wind. I don't want to leave my new friends behind! They mean everything to me....but Ruby wants me to go...
At this point Kai realizes that he is just walking aimlessly around the square with his brain in a fumbled mess.
Kai decides that it is time for him to go home. He walked the pathway to his apartment getting his thoughts leave his head. He was no longer thinking about the situation at hand. He knew that he was tired and he need to get some rest so that he could think more clearly.
Kai walked in the sidewalk, looking at the buildings beside him. One building was a clothing shop and inside was a nice red and white school type Jacket that looked like it had the words "Hero" written out on it.
though it was cool, He knew he couldn't get it just yet, maybe one day he would get it. Though That day was not today.
Kai continues walking at a slow pace towards his apartment. He kept on seeing these friend's that acted like family together.

Kai looked at them and realized, he had never really had a full family. I mean sure he had Niki, but he never had a dad or a mom that treated them nicely.

Maybe one day I'll get a true family... Maybe...

Kai continued to walk to his apartment and next thing you know he was there.

Kai went inside the building and ascended up the stairs to his apartment. Kai unlocked his door and went inside.

All the lights were off and so by instinct Kai rushed to turn them all on. Once he got that done he looked at the time to realize That it was already 10:00.

Had I really been wondering around that long? Kai froze looking around his kitchen. Now that I think about it...I'm acutely really tired.

Kai let out a Yawn and he felt the weight on his eyes. He didn't realize how tired he was. Maybe it was because he normally didn't think about things that hard.

Kai agent to his room and look of his shoes. He made sure to check he feet because he had been walking around for awhile. They were perfectly fine.

Kai got changed into a tank top and then jumped into his bed. Kai put his phone next to his nightstand and turned around.

Kai lay there with his knees slowly curling up towards his chest and he felt the night whisk him away into sleep.

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now