-More Time Together-

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It was around a week later and Kai was feeling better after his week of being sick. Kai has already woke up, and he had to get ready for another date with Ruby in the evening. They were going to a fancy outdoors restaurant that opens at around 1:00 in the afternoon.

Kai was sitting on his bed playing on his phone until he heard his alarm go off. Kai got up and started to get ready. He didn't wear anything too fancy. He just wore a button up collared shirt with a pink bowtie.

It didn't take him too long for him to get ready but he did get up late. They were planning on going for dinner and he had to be ready by 4:00 because they were leaving at 4:30.

It was only 2 o'clock so Kai decided to sit back down and go back on his phone. When he was sitting down he got a text on his phone. It was from Brinn.

Brinn: Hello Kai, I hate to ask this of you but can you watch Kaia tonight? Niki and I are going to hang out and I was wondering if you were available.

Kai: im really sorry but i already have plans tonight......

Brinn: Oh okay, I understand. I'm sorry for bothering you.

Kai: no no your not bothering me i would honestly love to watch kaia but i cant......im really sorry....

Brinn: No, it's okay. I can probably get Pearl and Marina to watch her.

Kai: ok well can you tell them i said hi and kaia as well how is she doing btw

Brinn: She's doing good. She is slowly warming up to things.

Kai: thats great! i hope that i can see you all again soon im really sorry i cant watch her

Brinn: Like I said, it's okay.

Kai: alright well ive gtg. I have to leave in an hour T^T

Brinn: Alright, well have fun....

Kai: thanks you to

Brinn: Thanks

Kai got up and then looked at his phone. It was already 4:00 and he didn't realize it. Kai had to leave.

Kai gathered his things and started to walked to inkopolis to meet Ruby. Again it took him a little while but he got there eventually. He was just on time at exactly 4:30.

Kai hesitantly walked up to her. He was a little scared but he thought that he could trust her.

"Hay Princey!!!" Ruby called in a sing song way once she spotted him. "Are you ready for our date?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess I am are you ready to go?"

"Well of course I am why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh, okay. Well then, I guess let's go."

Ruby grabbed Kai's arm and clung to it as They walked to the restaurant. Kai again felt uncomfortable with this but it was his girlfriend so he had to be okay with it right? They didn't have much of a conversation as they walked they just silently walked to the restaurant.

Once they got there they were greeted by a receptionist that led them to a table. The restaurant was even more beautiful than it looks like online. It was a beautiful outdoor patio out looking a beautiful lake on the side, and it was even more beautiful at sunset.

Kai and Ruby sat down and opened up their menu's to see what options they had to eat. There were many fancy delicacies some in which were too expensive for Kai to afford on his budget.

After a while of them looking on their menus a waitress finally came up to them and ask them what they wanted to drink and eat.

Kai only asked for a water, and Ruby asked for an iced tea. The waitress went away for a while but then came back with their drinks. The waitress then asked what they would like to eat.

Kai asked for simple dish of mac & cheese with a side of fries which was on the kids meal because that was the only thing he could really afford. Ruby asked for Spaghetti Carbonara with a small piece of bread on the side, and a side salad.

The waitress went away to get their food. So all that was left for them to do was wait. Kai was hoping that it wasn't going to be like their first date were they didn't talk the whole time, and it wasn't. It was way worse...

Ruby and Kai, after they order their food, they actually started to talk for a while. It was going quite well. They started to get to know each other a little bit more even though Ruby was a bit rude in her tone.

"So, my dear Kaile, how are you feeling? I hope that your well enough not to get me sick"

"I'm doing a lot better. I just needed some rest."

"Well that's good."

"Yeah, I guess it is." Kai was shocked with her sudden interest.

After a while of them talking, He saw two familiar faces out of the corner of his eye. He looked over to see an Octoling girl with pulled back hair in an inkling girl with one tentacle cut off. It was Brinn and Niki. He had no idea that they were going to the same place.

A smile crept onto Kai's face as well as a slight blush when he saw Brinn. She looked absolutely stunning. Out of excitement he stood up and flagged them down.

"Brinn, Niki! Hi!!" Kai flailed his arms around to get their attention. A lot of people stared at him but he didn't seem to mind.

Brinn and Niki looked over at him slightly shocked to see him.

"What are you doing!" Ruby stood up and pushed his shoulder down so that he sat back down in his chair. "This is our date! I don't want them interfering!"

"It's fine. They're my friends!"

"No it's not! It's not fine! This is our time together they should not be interrupting it. You are mine my dear Princey. Don't forget that."

Kai didn't speak he just sat down and rub the back of his neck for comfort. After a while Ruby and Kai both got their food and I started to eat it quickly.

After they finish their food they sat there a while. Soon the bill came and it was a lot more than Kai expected even though we got a small meal. They decided to sit there and talk for a little while longer before they paid and went home.

After they paid they decided to start to walk home. Didn't talk much. They mostly stayed silent as they walked home. Kai thought the night was over at last, but the night was very far from being complete...

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