-The Park-

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It was another new Day in inkopolis, and Kai was getting ready for another date with Ruby. He felt exhausted, but yet he knew he had to show up or she would kill him.

Kai wore something nice, like he always did. He kinda had to or Ruby would get upset. Kai wore another button down, this thine it was a nice faded blue. He wanted to wear the pink one, but she wouldn't allow him.

Kai wore his normal pants/ leggings. This time he put on the pants he normally wears over top on them.

After a bit, Kai finished getting ready and he got on his shoes and walked out of his door.

Kai took his time walking, he wanted to look at the scenery. He felt like this would be a good time to soak it all in. He felt like he would be going back there many times, but he didn't know why. Then again the park has always been one of his favorite places.

Kai took a deep breath as he soaked in the sounds and the feel of the soft wind stroking the sides of his arms as he walked. He could feel where he was going.

Kai closed his eyes for a moment letting himself drift away in the sounds of outside. When he opened them he realized that he was at the park, and he got there just in time.

As he started to walk through the park he saw Ruby sitting down on a bench near a beautiful tree. She sat there with her back straight and her legs crossed, and her hands perfectly placed on top.

Kai walked over to Ruby, his hand instinctively went to the side of his neck for comfort. Once he got close to Ruby he sat down next to her on the bench but not too close to her.

They sat there in silence for another good minute. It seemed like they weren't going to talk that much that day, but Kai was mistaken.

In the midst of the silence Ruby slowly slid her hand to meet with Kai's. She grabbed his hand and held it tight and wouldn't let it go even if Kai tried to loosen her grip. This again, made Kai feel uncomfortable but he knew he had no choice but to hold her hand back.

After that moment of silence, Ruby look to Kai, and Kai cautiously look back at her. She looks like she was about to say something but then took her words carefully. Then she finally spoke.

"Oh Kaile, do you know I love hanging out with you," she smiled her eyes narrow.

"Uh, yeah. I know," Kai looked away from her.

"You're always there for me, even when sometimes you can be a pain, and even really selfish. But I still love you," Ruby scooted closer to Kai, putting her head on his shoulder.

I shiver went down Kai's spine and his muscles tensed. He felt very uncomfortable.

"I-I.....I love you too..." Kai almost choked on his words, it was hard for him to get the words out.

"I was thinking Princey, I think that our relationship was meant to be. I have loved you ever since we were kids. And I know you feel the same way." Ruby Scooted closer to Kai, so close that there legs touched.

"Y-Yeah..." sweat began to drip down his face, his body starting to shake.

"Sometimes things have to change. There a few Cephalopods back in Octo Valley that I know would love to see you again!" Ruby leaned in very close to Kai, putting her head in his chest.

"W-who?" Kai said, trying to sound calm. He also was genuinely curious, he didn't think anybody remembered who he was.

"Do you know the old group. We all miss hanging out with you well, excluding Aspen an Atlas. you know what happened to them." A smile drew on her face.

Kai didn't respond. He felt a pang of guilt that hit him really hard. He felt like it was his fault that they were gone, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

Ruby Lifted her head from his chest, and looked him in the eye. She grabbed his face and kissed him on the cheek and a smile crossed over her face.

Kai didn't blush, but he didn't feel very uncomfortable his hand went to his neck as he rubbed it for comfort.

after that, there was another moment of silence. No one talked it was just awkward silence. Ruby laid her head down on Kai's shoulder and they looked off at the park and the children playing.

"Hay Kaile, I have a question to ask you." Ruby lifted her head up from Kai's shoulder once again and looked into his eyes.

"What is it?" Kai asked hesitantly, nervous to see what she would say.

"Well You see, I'm going to be leaving in a few days. A friend of mine really wants to see you again. And I'll have to leave. So I have a question for you......."

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