3 Goodbyes ~9~

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Kyoto was completely losing it. Running to his car, he was in no position to drive, but because he was a policeman he could handle it.

'Shit! what the hell happened? I'm expecting the worse when I get to that room!'

Just then he got a page from Lori, he was driving so he switched it to speaker.

"Tomoyo! Please hurry down here!" Lori was panicking.

"On my way!" He yelled back with the same amount of frustration in his voice.

Once he made it to the shop he burst in through the door.

Already outside of the shop was swarming with police and crime scene tape.

Someone was dead.

Just thinking about it Tomoyo couldn't take it.

'Just an hour or two ago I was here with Kyoto... how can this be?'

The place was completely flipped upside down.

Lori was there in front of the door.

Tomoyo completely came to a stop.

He panted heavily. Trying to talk and catch his breath at the same time.

"What... happened?"

Lori looked behind him.

"Go see for yourself."

Tomoyo slowly walked into the room. It was cold and smelt of blood.

The concrete crackling under his feet echoed around the room.

He peered to the right and there was nothing.

'A... chalk outline...'

An outline of the dead body was the only thing in the room.

Lori came up from behind him.

"His name was Derek Houston. He was only 18." Lori never met him and already he knew more about him than Tomoyo.

"H... How?"

"He was murdered. Had a gunshot wound and bullet in his head." Lori had no emotion in his voice at all.

He handed Tomoyo something.

"The Murder Weapon." He looked at Tomoyo.

"This was the gun I gave him..." Tomoyo quietly said.

'How did this happen?'

"Turns out his family had a connection with that Izumi guy. I'm guessing blackmail was involved and this was the outcome." Lori left the room.

"We don't know where he went off to but we now have a case on him. We will find that guy. Can I ask you a few questions?" He echoed down the hall while walking out.


*Meanwhile Kyoto is at home*

'Man where did he go off to?' Kyoto sat in the bed and thought.

He was all alone.

'Do I really love him? how can that be?' He furrowed his eyebrows.

'I mean, he is attractive but he's also really nice... I honestly thought he was going to use that penis electroshock thing on me... My heart races just thinking about it! But he caved once he realised how scared I was. A bad guy would've done it to me. But he...'

Kyoto got out of bed and stubbed his toe on something.

"Ouch!" He shrieked.

It was some sort of chest.

'It looks like it's locked.'

He bent down and plonked it on the bed.

It opened.

'Whoa!' His eyes widened.

'It's a picture of my dad! He looked just like me...'

He ruffled it and noticed a note under it.

Dear Tomoyo, if you're reading this I'm already gone. As you know, you're probably my only friend. Which is kinda pathetic since your just a scrawny teenager, but something about you is just really special... ugh gross what am I saying?
Anyway I just want to say... I'm going to attempt suicide again and this time I'm going to die... Yeah I uh know this is going to be annoying for you since we're close and all but... there's no reason for me to live! My god I have to look after a baby on my own! I owe thousands of dollars to some street thugs, I'm going through therapy because of cancer. I just feel like my life is meaningless... Listen, look after Kyoto for me okay, he seems to take a liking to you. I can't waste anymore time writing this damn note I just want to end it all! -Kyou

'What? He... wanted to die because of... me?'

Kyoto fell to his knees.

Gasping for air. He noticed something under the photo.

It was a key, for his shock collar.

'I know what I have to do.'

He grabbed the key and unlocked the collar.

"I'm sorry Tomoyo..." He cried.

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