Doubts and Regret ~11~

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"Lori I'm on my way!"

*After Kyoto left*

Kyotos POV

I regret leaving the Tomoyo like that.

'I still can't believe how useless I am.' I thought.

Everything I am is just not needed.

I went to the door, only it wouldn't open.

'Maybe this is a reminder I shouldn't go...'

I shook it off and went to the bedroom.

Grabbing some spare clothes to make a rope. I had an idea, a classic idea.

I looked at all the rows of clothes Tomoyo had bought me.

'I didn't deserve you Tomoyo.' I left the clothes there.

I then decided to write him a note, just to let him know. I mean it'd be cruel if I just left, without him knowing why.

I opened the window and threw down the rope of clothes.

I then proceeded to climb down.

'Man this is so cool! it's like I'm in a spy movie.'

I pretended to look like a criminal, looking back making sure no one was coming, it was kind of fun!

Once I made it down to the ground I decided to leave the rope there, so Tomoyo knows that I was unharmed.

'Where do I go...' I thought.

Then a terrible idea crossed my mind.

I had no reason to live.

I had no where to go.

I had no purpose.

I had no life.

I have nothing.

I have less than nothing.

'What do I do?' My brain was burning in my head.

All I could do was ruffle my hair and squint my eyes.

'Just like my father...'

I stopped moving.

'How did my father solve this problem?'

My heart dropped.

I knew what I had to do.

There was only one way.


I couldn't believe I was actually thinking this.

'Impossible... but how?'

My mind was blank, I swear I was going to black out, right there and then.

'The bridge... seems like the only possible way.'

I started bolting up towards the bridge.

It was very high, when I looked down all I could see was very distant water, crashing waves, I could feel water droplets spitting up at my face.


Not much was going through my head.

But for the first time I was completely aware of what I was going to do. All my 5 senses were active.

'Just... fall already... end this.'

I had not a single thought of staying alive.

All I could do was hold my breath.

'You good for nothing street trash... you deserve this more than anyone.'

My eyes were watering, my body shaking, my legs giving up.

'Die already! can't you even do that?'

I exhaled.


My feet slipped down the edge of the bridge.

The adrenaline rush immediately kicked in, my body tingling and going numb.

I gasped for air, it was like my body was somewhere else.

Out of nowhere.

My hand was grabbed by something cold.

I couldn't believe it, I wasn't going to die.

My eyes flickered up to meet the strangers.

"Ha... I got here just in time."

That voice, that horrible voice. Piercing through my ears. It was like my ears were being raped.


"Listen here Kyoto... You shouldn't kill yourself, such a waste of youth and your good looks."

He was glaring down at me.

"Let me go! I wanna die!"

A tried to get his hand to release mine. It was too late, he had pulled me up.

I was now sitting on the end if the bridge still holding Izumi's hand.

I then felt something hard jab into my back.

"Listen up... If you try run from me ill shoot you up your ass." he hissed.

'Stop talking!' All I could do was block my ears.

He pushed it further into my skin.

"I just saved your fucking life! The least you could do is listen."

"You didn't save my life! You ruined it... Hurry up and shoot me..."

He grinned.

"I can give you something more punishable than death."

"No! Just leave already!"

I closed my eyes.

Nothing but the back of my eyelids, who knew it could be so comforting.

'If I could look at this for the rest of my life...'

I was suddenly grabbed and forcefully thrown into Izumi's car.

"Augh!" I gasped as I hit the seat. I felt like all the oxygen was knocked out of my body.

I was winded, struggling to get air back in my lungs.

Then I passed out.

This was a long day...

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