1.2 i hate you

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"You're one of the six in your inner circle, correct?" asked the Inspectora

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"You're one of the six in your inner circle, correct?" asked the Inspectora.
"Correct," Bella nodded. Unlike the others, she remained cool and collected, something the Inspectora noted.  Bella kept eye contact with her at all times. She didn't look around nervously as she was questioned, but that was because Bella wasn't someone you could easily intimidate.

Bella walked through the hallways with her earbuds on, unaware of her surroundings, her eyes focused on her phone. As she passed her friends, Ander was the one to reach out for the brunette to prevent what was about to happen, but Bella was slightly further than his arms length causing her to bump into a very wet and naked Christian. Bella slowly backed up a smirk appearing on her face as she took off her earbuds.
"Hi gorgeous," Christian smirked. Bella glanced down to see he was really naked. Looking back up she was met by Christian's smirk. Not backing down Bella gave him a smile giving him direct eye contact.
"For God's sake," Guzmán hissed shaking his head pulling the brunette away from the naked boy. Polo was too busy glaring at Christian to move as he balled up his fist. First, it was Carla and now his sister.
"What? I wasn't paying attention," Bella shrugged meeting Polo's angry face as Guzmán pushed her to their group.
"Clearly," Ander muttered, jealousy in his voice.

"How did you feel about the new kids?"  The Inspectora asked. Bella shrugged as if this was another everyday conversation.
"They didn't bother me."
"Would you call them your friends?"
"Yes," Bella answered after a slight pause to give it some thought, but was quick to add, "and they wouldn't hurt Marina."

Bella had gone over the Muñoz household to work on some schoolwork with Ander. Ander had asked her to help him in French since he was failing French and his parents were getting on his case about him. However, it might not have been the best person to ask him for help—not that Bella wasn't smart she was a straight A student—in fact was probably beating Lu at the chance of getting that hideous trophy except Bea only did one extracurricular activity not making her stand out like her friend, scholar wise. It's not that she wasn't driven, she just didn't need the scholarship her grades proves it and so does her money.
Ander glanced at the brunette that was sprawled on his bed laid flat on her stomach as she read the French bookwork they had. Bella had gone over his house multiple times whether it was to work on group projects or hangout but that usually involves Guzmán or Polo with her. Lu and Carla has never really gone over to his house but that's because he wasn't super close with the other two, but he still cared for them. Bella had never really been alone with him, at least not in his room. They usually would study in the living room under his parent's supervision, and sure the door was open but here she was on his bed.
"Are you okay?" Bella asked breaking him away from his thoughts.
"Hm? Yes," he nodded.
"Oui," Bella corrected which resulted to a confused Ander making Bella smile. "Oui means yes, you at least know that right?"
"Of course I knew you caught me off guard," Ander responded rolling his eyes at the smiling girl.
"Right," the brunette said sarcastically, moving to sit up. "Have you worked on any of the pages?"
"You're supposed to be helping me, remember?" He reminded the brunette.
"Im trying but you've been sitting over there not saying anything since I got here," Bella pointed out to the boy, who turned pink in slight embarrassment. He didn't realize the brunette noticed his awkward silence. A mischievous smile formed on Bella's lips as she noticed his embarrassment.
"Uh... what are you doing?" Ander asked as Isabel walked over to him, placing herself on his lap, her legs on either side of him.
"Why so quiet?" she whispered placing her hands in his curls.
"Um....uh..." Ander stuttered.
"Do I make you nervous?" Bella leaned in, whispering in his ear. Ander made an audible gulp.
"I hate you," he responded glaring at the brunette after processing everything that just happened. Bella just laughed in response as she got up pulling her skirt a little down just in time for his mom to enter with snacks for the pair. Bella chatted away with Azucena, glancing over Ander ever so often to give him a smirk.
"Ander, get some!" His mother said motioning at the plate that was set beside Bella, who gave him a smug smile.
"Um, maybe later," he nodded while Bella continued to smile.
"Suit yourself, you two enjoy!" Azucena shrugged leaving the pair alone again. Ander returned all his focus at the brunette who's eyes were on him as she ate a piece of grape. The pair stared each other down, Bella with an amuse faced, Ander with an unhappy one. Bella was very playful and he knew she was doing it to mess with him. Why? He didn't know, he knew Bella very well but ever so often she'd pull an unpredictable move. No one really knew how Bella brain worked.
"So should we study?" Bella spoke up giving him an innocent smile.

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