2.0 desire

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"Social networks are the way we have nowadays of introducing ourselves of others, right? What we show, or what we hide, says a lot about who we are

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"Social networks are the way we have nowadays of introducing ourselves of others, right? What we show, or what we hide, says a lot about who we are. And this is what the pair work I want you to do about. I want you to create your partner's profile for a social network," Martin instructed to the group of students that sat in front of him. Bella sat in her usual seat, her legs crossed and arms crossed against her chest as she watched Christian check out Carla.
"What's wrong?" Ander whispered to the smaller girl that sat beside him. Bella didn't mention what had happened between him and her at the party when Ander asked. Not that it was anything but it was just champagne talk. All she told him was she stayed with him until Guzmán helped her take him home.
"Is anything going on with them?" she asked motioning to the two eyeing each other from across the room.
"You should know more than me," Ander shrugged. Polo hasn't said anything to Ander or Guzmán and that was probably because Guzmán would get on his case.
"Isn't this a language and literature class?" Samuel questioned bringing the two back from their conversation.
"Welcome to Las Encancinas, man," Christian joked making some of the class members smile.
"We can demonize social networks, like other schools do, but we can also use them to learn. Please make this opportunity to investigate, to research your partner. And most of all, adapt it your goal- What is it Christian?" Martin called on the boy who was propping his arm with another hand to raise his hand.
"I just have a question. What can I improve on my profile? Nothing! It's perfect."
"It can be better. When Martin said privilege and intelligence, he didn't meant you," Lu insulted.
"Boom! Take that!" Polo cheered as Lu and Guzman fist bumped. Bella sighed and laid her head on Ander's shoulder.
"Guys... please be creative," Martin warned as Lu and Christian flipped each other off making Bella smile, but cringe when Christian changed his finger position, which made Ander quietly chuckle. "Use photos, videos, interviews, whatever you want. You have all the school's resources at your disposal, okay?" Then the bell rang prompting everyone to get up.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Martin called stopping everyone from trying to leave the room. "Nobody leaves the room without a partner. Choose one and come by my desk."
"Carla's going to be my partner, right Carla?" Bella spoke up smiling at the blonde, but Carla can see through Bella's smile that read she had a mission behind their partnership.
"Huh... oh uh yes," Carla nodded.
"No fair!" Polo whined. Bella rolled her eyes.
"Take Ander-"
"Ah beautiful, I'm gonna take your boyfriend," Christian smiled patting Ander who was gathering his things and shrugged nodding.
"Hm... guess you can be with Lu, Polo," Bella shrugged motioning to the girl who was now sitting alone, ignoring the fact Christian just called Ander her boyfriend. Polo glared at his sister and Christian in annoyance, but left to go talk to Lu. Bella smiled at the three in front of her.
"Shall we?" she asked Carla who was basically eye fucking Christian. Carla slowly walked away making Bella make a gagging face to Ander who laughed.
"She has a boyfriend, idiot," Ander said shaking his slapping the boy on the back of his head.
"Tell her that!" Christian hissed rubbing the spot Ander hit.

• • •

Bella laid on Carla's bed scrolling through her phone while Carla went to get them drinks and a snack.
"Thank you," Bella said sitting up to take a glass of wine from the blonde.
"The project should be easy for us-"
"What's happening between you and Christian?" Bella asked cutting of Carla.
"Nothing, me and Polo are playing him," Carla shrugged. Bella nodded.
"I don't fully care because Polo's life is his life, but he's still my brother. Just dump him if you don't want him anymore, I can't keep watching you break his sensitive little heart," Bella advised to blonde.

Bella had left Carla's home to pick up some dinner for her and her parents. So she decided to go the usual restaurant where her and the circle would eat at. Polo had eaten out already with Guzman and Ander so he declined her offer. She and Carla had finished a good amount of their project. After their talk, Carla had explained her situation with Christian and Polo. Bella didn't really care as long as Carla was happy, but her poor brother was stupid as ever. It wasn't her business to butt in, she loves Polo but he needed to deal with certain things on his own. Bella only ever stepped in when she didn't think he couldn't handle it, when even he didn't want to, but his eyes, his demeanor screamed for help. Besides he had Guzmán to criticize and tell him how to fix his love life.

"How was your relationship with Marina's boyfriend?"
"Which one?" Bella jokes to an unamused Inspectora.
"We're friendly."
"Nothing more?" the Inspectora pushed.
"Inspectora, I rather you just asked me straight out than you beat around the bush," Bella said leaning closer to the older woman as if she was challenging her. The Inspectora smiled at the brunette studying her.
"It's part of the routine," she explained.
"To see if people will slip up somehow right?" "Yes, that's correct. However, Mr. Nunier doesn't seem to agree with your answer." Bella scoffed. Of course Guzmán would say that.

Entering the restaurant, she saw a familiar face that she probably had scared off by her drunken actions at Marina's party. She couldn't really blame her actions towards alcohol, not completely. Bella knew she had a mean, manipulative side, she liked to live her life in her favor and everyone around her knew that, but she could also be kind and loving which was usually brought out by Ander. Ander, she thought a small smile forming her lips as she thought about the boy. He always brought out the best in her, whether she wanted to admit it or not. After his drunken confession the other night, whether he meant it or not she wondered could he like her? And if he did, what did that mean for them? Snapping out of her thoughts she gave the brown eyed boy a smile.
"Hey," she greeted flashing him a charming smile. "Can I place a to-go order?"
Samuel smiled back nodding, "what can I get for you?"
Bella ordered her parent's favorite and hers. Handing the money to him she went to sit down and go on her phone to patiently wait for the food. Samuel sneaked glances at the girl whenever he could. He didn't know what attracted him to her, she didn't exactly go out of her way to be kind like Marina was to him and she definitely gave him an off feeling during the party. Maybe it was her physical appearance, she was easily an attractive girl, either ways it was just a small attraction. She and Ander seemed to have a thing going on besides he knew a girl like that would never take a chance on a guy like him, but Marina was.
"Samuel," her voice called out snapping him out of her thoughts. "You okay?"
She now stood in front of him instead of a table away. He nodded blinking a few times.
"I wanted to apologize for my attitude at the party, I'm usually not like that," Bella apologized.
"It's okay," he nodded giving her a small smile.
"I hope that we can start over?" Bella asked hopeful and once again Samuel nodded.
"I'm Samuel," he started sticking out his hand.
"Bella," she introduced shaking his hand.
"I'll see you at school," he said hearing his name being called out.
"See you around, waiter," Bella winked showing him she was joking. Samuel shook his head smiling. From a far Guzmán watched the interaction, anger written on his face. If he wasn't on his way to follow Ander he would've beaten the hell out of Samuel.

so guys... i think i'm writing one for Aron (omg it wouldn't let me do the symbol for his r) but I think I may tie this to that story ;)))))

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