3.3 the eyes tell everything

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On Monday everyone came back to school, each one with mixed emotions

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On Monday everyone came back to school, each one with mixed emotions. Bella, Carla, and Polo had managed to stay out of the drama between everyone else. They haven't had this big of a drama until the scholarship kids came and Bella was sure that eventually Guzmán would realize this and blame them.
Bella walked side by side with Guzmán as they entered Las Encinas, Carla and Polo had disappeared to God knows where, most likely looking for Christian.  As the two entered they saw Ander standing in the middle of the entrance with headphones on, zoning out. Guzmán had to wave his hand around to get the boy's attention.
"What happened?" Guzmán asked making Antonio turn around from the paperwork he had been filling out, who neither kids noticed to be there.
"What do you mean what happened?" Antonio asked joining the three. "It happened in your house, in the pool."
Guzmán looked at Ander disbelief trying his best to hide his anger.
"Ander?" Antonio questioned his son. With no one reacting fast enough Bella jumped in.
"Guzmán, remember he slipped?" Bella smiled at the older man who still didn't look convinced.
"Yeah! Ah.... Yes sorry Antonio. I just didn't know it was that bad," Guzmán added after Bella had discreetly elbowed him on the side. Bella's smile widened while Ander tried to hide a smile forcing its way in. "Good morning!"
"Good morning," Antonio smiles shaking the blonde's hand. "He'll have to wear it for 2 weeks. You should be more careful."
"It was my fault. I wasn't looking and he started goofing around. It won't happen again, I'll keep an eye on him," Guzmán nodded looking at Ander, who was uncomfortable.
"We have to get to class or we'll be late," Bella spoke up trying to get some distance between Ander and Guzmán. Antonio nodded after the two giving them a smile. Bella looped her arm around Guzmán's pulling him away.
"So you forgot to mention what happened with his hand," Guzmán said as soon as they turned the corner.
"You were complaining the whole time we saw each other til we got to Ander. When was I supposed to add that in?" Bella shrugged. "Now, stop being pouty maybe you'll see your little lover and by lover I mean Nadia."
"She's not my-," Guzmán was about to yell but he took a deep breath, "She's not. She's just a bet."
"Rightttt," Bella sarcastically agreed, taking her arm away from his, "then why does Lu seem jealous?"
"Because she's Lu! She's crazy," Guzmán reasoned as he caught up the smaller girl.
"Hmm," she nodded. Lu could be a little crazy sometimes, but it made her fun. However, Bella could see the way Nadia and Guzmán would glance at each other when passing the hallway or in class, there was something there and she knew Lu could see it too.

Bella chatted away with Carla, as if they hadn't been around each other all weekend. Lu was by herself, torturing herself by watch Guzmán and Nadia.
"Lu!" Bella called out for the older girl. "Come sit over here!"
Lu got up to join the two, her mood lightening up as she gave them both a small smile.
"What's got you so angry?" Carla asked as soon as Lu had sat with them.
"Nothing, don't worry about it," Lu smiled. Bella raised a brow, making eye contact with Carla who shrugged.
Once all the boys had gotten out of the pool and finished their turn, the teacher called the girls for their turn at the pool. Bella stood in between Marina and Carla while Lu was in between Carla and Nadia. Bella decided that it was a good time to torment the younger girl.
"So, I saw you leave with, what was his name again?" Bella asked as she stretched her arm. "Hmm... doesn't matter what his name is, because all I know is that it's Samuel's brother."
"Do you ever shut up?" Marina hissed.
"Does Samuel know?" Bella questioned before a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "Does Guzmán?"
"One day you're gonna meet your match and I hope they ruin you," Marina said bitterly. Bella kept the same smile on her face before jumping in the pool for a lap with the rest of the girls as Nadia and Marina stayed put on the ground. One in disbelief and heartbroken and the other angry.

Polo decided to catch with Ander, they haven't been able to talk since Bella brought him to their house.
"So, when are you planning to ask Bella out?" he asked making the boy almost choke on his own spit.
"I mean like you guys shared the bed and stuff," Polo winked wiggling his eyebrows.
"Dude, that's your sister...." Ander said uncomfortably.
"You idiot! Not like that I'm saying like nothing happened... not sexual! More deep connection stuff," Polo said shaking his head.
"Oh, not really."
"How boring," Polo complainedz
"Well what do you want me to do? Ask her out and have her reject me and lose our friendship," Ander snapped.
"Oh shut up, she won't!"
"How do you know?"
"Because," Carla entered in, taking a seat beside Polo. "While she's never mentioned anything, you can tell from how she looks at you. The eyes tell everything."

thank you guys for responding to my question or just leaving comments in general. i really appreciate it and it pushes me to write more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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