2.2 so do i

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From the kitchen Antonio and Azucena Muñoz could hear the front door open with it their son and Isabella Benavent's voice

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From the kitchen Antonio and Azucena Muñoz could hear the front door open with it their son and Isabella Benavent's voice.
"You ran?" the brunette asked in disbelief as Ander told her a story that happened with a girl that liked him when he was 7.
"I didn't know what to do!" He frowned. Bella laughed at the taller boy.
"You are adorable," she laughed, Ander rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. Grabbing Bella's bag the boy greeted his parents before walking off in his room. A small smile appeared on Azucena's face seeing how happy her son was but still disappointed after Guzman's revelations. If he was happy why did he need to do this, she thought.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Muñoz," Bella greeted the couple with a smile on her face as she leaned on the kitchen door. The pair smiled back but Bella could see they were troubled and her suspicions were correct when Ander ran out of his room.
"Bella, do you mind helping me in the garden?" Azucena asked closing her laptop.
"Um sure," sensing the tense atmosphere as Ander and Antonio had a stare down. Smiling politely at Antonio, Bella followed his wife, squeezing Ander's hand on her way out.

• • •

Bella leaned against the lockers as Carla informed her about Guzmán butting in her relationship. Which didn't surprise Bella, Polo was really easy to manipulate by those he loves. Polo has a big heart and all he ever wants to do is make the people he cared about happy, to a fault. Just like Guzmán's protectiveness.
"I hate that he does whatever Guzmán wants," Carla sighed as she grabbed her books from her locker. Before Bella could respond she could her Ander's very angry voice yelling at Guzmán.
"What's wrong with him?" Carla murmured as Ander stormed off from Guzmán.
"Like you said Guzmán is butting in people's personal lives," Bella frowned, "I'll talk to you later."
Carla nodded but Bella didn't have time to notice as she reached for Ander's hand as he passed by them.
"Hey!" Bella greeted the angry boy, her hand holding his.
"I'm not in the mood," Ander huffed, pulling his hand away from the smaller girl.
"What's wrong? Talk to me," Bella frowned wanting to be there for him. She knew why he was angry she was there after all. Ander took a big deep breath, as if he was gonna speak but instead he remained silent. Looking around Bella realized everyone's eyes were on them. Smiling an idea came to Bella's mind, she grabbed Ander's hand once again, "come with me."
Ander didn't really wanna go with her, but obliged anyways letting her drag him along. Now, here he sat in the back of the seat of her car with her, with no one talking. The only sound audible was the music being played in the car.
"Remember this place?" Bella asked as he followed her out of the car. They hadn't been here in years, the group would sometimes come here to sit and watch the sunset or admire the lake or have picnics. It held the best memories for them. Bella stood under the beautiful marble gazebo that had string lights that Bella forced all the boys to set up one summer. He remembered Polo carrying a bunch of lights one day and handing him and Guzmán each a bundle of lights. The two of them gave Polo and confused look who just pointed behind him to reveal a smiling Bella. They were about 14 years old then, how time has passed by. The gazebo had form dust over the years but it still looked beautiful especially with Bella underneath.
"It needs to get cleaned ya know.... but I know it always made us feel better when we'd come here," Bella said as her face scrunched in disgust at one of the spider webs got entangled in her hand as she took a seat on top of one the marble cubes. Ander didn't respond and sat beside the brunette who was now looking at the lake. The two enjoying each other's company in silence.
"My parents wants me to focus even more on tennis now because of what Guzmán did," Ander said finally speaking up, his tone much more calm. Bella gave him a sympathetic look placing her hand on top of his for comfort.
"I know your mad and hurt, but he was trying to look out for you." Ander scoffed shaking his head.
"So you weren't looking out for me, when you didn't tell on me."
"I didn't know," Bella responded. She didn't find out till his mother told her when they were gardening. She was surprised and upset, upset that he couldn't go to her for comfort.
"Well would you have?" Ander questioned.
"What do you think?" Bella countered back.
"You wouldn't," Ander immediately responded, "you would've talked to me first."
"To be fair, he doesn't know your struggles," Bella pointed out to the curly haired boy beside her.
"Why are you defending him?" Ander asked a bit frustrated with the brunette.
"I'm not, Guzmán is an idiot and I hate how he wants to be in our business all the time when he should really be focusing on himself, but he loves you to death. He just wants you to be okay," Bella said intertwining her fingers with his, "and so do I."

___________i'm gonna try to do chapters to show Bella's relationship with other characters

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i'm gonna try to do chapters to show Bella's relationship with other characters

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