3.1 Marina

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The two arrived at the small apartment that surprisingly fit dozens of people

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The two arrived at the small apartment that surprisingly fit dozens of people. Christian had found the pair and introduced the pair to Nano, Samuel's brother, and Omar, who Christian accidentally introduced as someone Ander already knew. Ander had to make up some lie to the brunette, one she could see through, but decided to ignore it for now. She didn't wanna ruin their night by bringing up an argument. However, Bella hates it when people lie to her, causing her to give the curly haired boy the silent treatment and socialize with Omar. 
"Why aren't you going to school with us?" the brunette asked starting the conversation.
"I didn't get the scholarship," Omar reminded the the smaller girl.
"Right, I forgot..." Bella trailed off forgetting that not everyone could live in her world. People had real struggles, not everything could just be handed to them. "I'm sorry."
"Eh, don't worry about it, I don't think I'd wanna go to school with your people anyways they're a little..."
"Entitled?" Bella finished off for the muslim boy making Omar smile.
"Yeah, but you seem fine," he shrugged taking a sip of his drink.

"How did you meet Omar?" the Inspectora asked the brunette.
"From a party at Samuel's house," Bella shrugged not thinking much of it. Omar was harmless, he would never hurt Marina, he probably had the purest heart out of anyone in the group.
"The one where Marina was at?"
"And did you interact with her?"

"If it isn't the rebellious Nunier," Bella smirked making the curly haired girl turn around. Marina rolled her eyes the second she saw that it was Bella.
"Why are you here?" Marina sneered.
"I was invited, believe it or not I'm kind of likeable," Bella smiled. "Guzmán won't be happy to know you were here."
"You're gonna tell on me," Marina said in disbelief. Yes the two didn't see eye to eye but they usually left each other alone to mind their own business. Despite the two not being close Bella knew a lot about Marina's secrets, she often walked in on it or overheard. Bella was never shy to terrorize her over her secrets, but it was just that, all talk. The older girl has never had any interest in actually hurting the younger girl.
"No, just saying, I heard that Nadia girl might bring him so," Bella shrugged taking a sip from her red solo cup, "anyways be careful, this isn't really our scene for people like us."
"Oh, you care about me now," Marina laughed in disbelief. Who was Bella to tell her to be careful? They weren't even friends. And she didn't need more people telling her what to do.
"Not really," Bella shrugged, "just giving advice."
"I don't need your advice."
"Right, because you're so grown up," Bella rolled her eyes. "Whatever, it'a your life."
With that the older girl left Marina alone. Marina took a deep breath, Bella could really get under people's skin, but Marina's the most. Not that Bella really said anything offensive, but Marina hates Bella, anything she said got under her skin. Her smirk, smiles, all of it she hated.

"Ms. Montensinos, was there a reason Bella hated Marina?" the Inspectora asked the only female in the group that probably had a somewhat okay relationship before she died. Before she ruined her friendship with all of them. The usually put together, was exhausted emotionally.
"Bella didn't hate Marina," Lu said confused, "yeah they didn't get along. Marina didn't always make it easy, but she didn't hate Marina. In fact, Marina hated her not the other way around."
"What?" the Inspectora asked confused. From what it sounded like it seemed to be the other way around or maybe a mutual feeling towards each other. "According to Mr. Garcia-"
"Samuel, is your source?" Lu scoffed. "Marina hated her because she took everything from her."

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