5.0 everyone lies

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Bella greeted Guzmán and Marina's mother, Laura, with a huge smile

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Bella greeted Guzmán and Marina's mother, Laura, with a huge smile. Carla politely greeted her while Lu did her thing making Carla roll her eyes.
"Does she have to kiss everyone's ass all the time?" Carla whispered to Bella.
"Be nice. It's our friend's birthday," Bella reminded the blonde. Carla nodded before walking off to take her seat at the table. Bella turned her attention back to the parents only to meet bright blue eyes and blonde hair.
"Guzmán," she nodded. The two had barely spoken since his little comments.
"You look beautiful," he complimented the smaller girl who just nodded.
"I know."
"Oh c'mon, I was just messing with you," he smiled, seeing how short she was being with him. The brunette just ignored him and took a seat beside Carla. Guzmán smile slowly disappeared from his face, especially when Lu appeared right in front of him.
"Okay guys! Let's eat!!" Laura announces to the group. The youngest people stayed civil towards each other for the sake of Guzmán's birthday, as well as all the adults.
"A toast to the birthday boy, Guzmán!" Carla's father, Teo said raising a glass. Everyone followed by raising their glasses.
"Thanks," Guzmán smiled.
"I have a little something for the birthday boy," Teo announced, handing Guzmán a bag, "I hope he likes it."
Guzmán excitedly opened up the gift to reveal a very expensive watch.
"Your birthday is the perfect occasion to start a watch a collection, like mine. Have I showed it to you?"
"Well, I'll have to! Look, it's always with me. If only it could talk, right Ventura? But not with ladies present. Ones who go prettier by the day," Teo said looking directly across his seat, where Marina sat. The curly haired girl didn't seem to please with the comment and just cleared her throat.
"Well Guzmán, mine is more modest, but happy birthday," Marina smiled handing a beautifully wrapped box to her brother. Guzmán excitedly opened it, a giant smile appearing on his face.
"No... how did you know I wanted this?" he asked in shock. Marina just smiled shrugging. "I love this! I'll take a picture!"
"No wait! My present first!" Lu intervened, handing him a giant white bag.
"Well, well. What a great girlfriend!" Teo praised noticing the brand name on the bag.
"We're just friends," Guzmán cut off opening the bag, making Lu uncomfortably laugh. Carla glanced at Bella, a smirk on her face. Bella bit her lip, trying not to smile at the awkwardness and turned her attention to a grimacing Guzmán.
"Do you like it?" Lu asked.
"You shouldn't have, Lu," he nodded studying the clothing. It was very obvious the blonde wasn't as excited about this gift as the other two.
"Who else could have bought it for you? Other girls would need to save an eternity to buy it," Lu giggled while the three girls around her weren't too pleased about her comment.
"Let's take the picture?" Bella suggested, trying to escape the awkward conversation. Guzmán nodded asking Lu to take a picture.

Everyone was back in class and for the most part listening to the lesson that was being taught by Martin. Bella and Ander, despite sitting besides each other, decided to pass notes to each other. Samuel was busy on his phone texting and had stopped paying attention.
"The phone please," Martin said reaching out for Samuel's phone making Bella and Ander immediately turn their attention back to Martin. Quickly opening the note, she smiled at Ander's note. Picnic date? Sliding the note under her book, she glanced at the curly haired boy giving him a nod before turning her attention to Samuel and Martin. The pair were arguing over Samuel's phone. Unfortunately, the teacher had won and chosen Nadia to read the message.
"Marina doesn't have AIDS, asshole. It's HIV-" Nadia read out loud to the whole class, but was interrupted by a furious Guzmán.
"Stop reading that!" he hissed storming out of his seat to Nadia. "What the hell!"
"Guzmán calm down! Enough!" Martin yelled as he prevented the boy from lunging at Samuel.
"What are you writing!"
"Calm down!"
"How could you let her read that?" Guzmán questioned angrily to Martin.
"First, show me some respect. Second you know the rules. You can't use phones, I had the right to do that."
"A hell of right you had," Samuel glared.
"Shut up."
"Marina, do you have HIV?" Nadia questioned to the girl beside her.
"Nadia, please," Martin said shaking his head at the obviously judgmental girl, but it was too late everyone had already been whispering. Ander shifted in his seat uncomfortably, Bella placed her hand on top of his.
"Guys, please calm down! Now!" Martin said to his students trying to calm them down. Marina slammed her hands on the table standing up, causing everyone to actually stay quiet.
"Marina, Marina! You don't have to say anything, please don't!" Guzmán begged his sister.
"Guzmán, stop! Please. I caught it a year and half ago, more or less. And... well I guess... this will be a trending topic for a while. To make sure you're informed of what you'll be talking about, I'll tell you really, you don't have to worry about me. I take medication. I take tests every four months, and the virus I have is undetectable in the blood, so that means you can't get infected," Marina informed the whole class. Christian started clapping to support her but was glared down by Guzmán, making him immediately stop.
"Thanks, Marina. It takes a lot of courage to share this. Don't you think so, Nadia?" Martin asked the curly haired girl who's expression said it all.
"I'd rather not comment. I don't wanna hurt anyone." Bella scoffed loudly, causing the attention to be on her.
"Must be nice being perfect all the time, it gives you the right to be judgmental, I suppose," Bella spoke up surprising Marina. Bella didn't even look at her as she glared down at Nadia, who couldn't look at the brunette's piercing glare.
"Bella," Martin warned. Bella rolled her eyes and focused her attention back to her notes.

After class, Ander and Bella parted. Bella understood that Guzmán needed his best friends, while she decided to stop by her locker where she bumped into Marina.
"Can I help you?" she asked opening her locker as Marina had awkwardly stood there
"Thank you, for I guess standing up... sort of," Marina spoke up. Bella slammed her locker shut.
"If you weren't such a bitch sometimes, maybe you'd realize that I'm not the villain you're trying to make me out to be," Bella said before walking away from the blue eyed girl.

"You stood up for Marina," the Inspectora said, raising a brow.
"Barely," Bella scoffed.
"It was enough for her to appreciate you a bit, to thank you." Bella looked at in confusion at how she could possibly know that. "Christian saw."
The brunette nodded, she wasn't really surprised everyone was everywhere. They all listened in.
"Why did Marina dislike you?" the Inspectora asked. Something that Samuel wanted to find out so badly and had been trying to figure out himself. And here, the Inspectora was going to get the answers so easily.
"Marina hated me because she felt like I took everything away from her and I guess I did without meaning to, her friends, her brother, and even sometimes her parents. No matter how kind I was to her, she just despised me. So she made it clear that we will never be friends on our first day in Las Encinas, we were supposed to turn in our first essay that would decided where we stood on the scale. She stole mine and I got suspended for supposedly copying her essay. So in actuality that hideous trophy is mine, but she ended up getting it. But before you assume I killed her because I wanted that pathetic trophy because I felt cheated out. I didn't need to do anything to Marina, I watched her self destruct all in her own."


sorry i disappeared, also i hope i didn't hype up why marina and bella hated each other and disappoint you guys . i'll add more pieces to it as it goes on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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