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Somebody asked me to do a relationship chapter, so they knows whose related to who.

Murph + AJ [ Deceased ] got 5 kids together.
The kids go like this
Tru & Taje - Twins [ Oldest - 17 ]
Tiana & Tierney - Twins [ 15 ]
Tylin - Youngest [ 10 ]

Murph + Sanai [ Deceased ] got 1 kid together.
Lotus is their daughter [ 18 ]
She is the oldest of all Murph's kids and she is the half sister to Tru, Taje, Tiana and Tierney as well as baby Tylin.

Kai + Ty got 2 kids together.
Brandon [ Poodie ] [ oldest @19 ] Aylear [ Lil Stank ] [ youngest @ 15 ]
Ty has two twin daughters that aren't Kai's kids but he treats them as such.
Kamari [ Mari ] & Kimora [ Kiki ] - [ Twins @15 ]
Aylear is older by a few months.

Ayana + Marcii got 2 kids together.
Jakari [ Kari - 18 ] and Janaya [ Naya - 10 ]

Although not biological Murph, Ayana & Ty's Kids All See Each Others As Cousins.
Except for Kai + Ty whose kids share the same mother so they all are half - siblings.
Same W/ Murph, Sanai and Aj.
Although not the same mother, the kids are half brother and sister.

Ayana Is AJ's [ Deceased ] Little Sister.

Ayana Is Married To Marcii

Kai & Ty [ Co Parent ]

Kai & Murph Are In Prison. They Grew Up Together So They See Each As Brothers.

If Mentioned Benji & Samora Were Characters In Book One Who Both Died.

If Yall Got More Questions - Actually Don't Ask Me Nun Else Cause I Just Explained The Relationships.

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