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Basic understanding

Sewon: sister of Kai and best friends with Jimin and the girlfriend of Namjoon (A fuck boy).

Kai a fuckboy. Bad influence but a good friend.

Namjoon a fuckboy, charming and best buddy of Kai, hopelessly in love with Sewon.

Jimin a bratty young guy but in an innocent manner, who deeply feels for Kai's sister Sewon.

Taehyung best buds with Jimin.

Yoongi best buds with Jimin.

They are a squad.


Sewon was madly in love with Namjoon and Namjoon was way into Sewon after he laid his eyes on her. Jimin was friends with them through Sewon but wasn't a fuckboy like Kai and Namjoon.

Kai and Namjoon shared everything with eachother. They were the Damon and Pythias of the territory. Kai had problems he rushed to Namjoon, Namjoon had problems he rushed to Kai.

Kai was happy when Namjoon and Sewon officially announced that they had started dating. But Jimin?

He was heart broken. He never told anyone but he was consuming himself after he saw Sewon talk about Namjoob 24/7 to him.. He thought he and Sewon had chemistry but....he loved her secretly and always wanted the best for her. And so, when he saw she was happy with Namjoon he slowly started to close his feelings for her but it wasn't possible.

And so his friends brought a way, drinking.

On his one shot, he felt as if every scar in his body has been erased and that's how he became addicted and used to stuff like this.

Namjoon was a fuckboy and Jimin never wanted Namjoon to only 'fuck' Sewon cuz she was precious. He wanted him to love her which made Jimin vulnerable about Sewon. But Sewon was sure of the fact that Namjoon truly loves her when he started changing himself for her.

Namjoon completely got out of his drinking habit, whenever Kai would call him out he'll ditch him to maintain his sacred side for Sewon. He wanted her to feel happy and loved.

Namjoon finally got a job in Seoul and he had to move there for the better.

"I'll miss you so much!"

"Babe, I'll miss you more and that's a fact. I'll write you letters every day and I'll keep in touch,"

"Don't go!" She teared up.

"I don't want to. But in order for you to have the life you deserve I have to and I promise I will work so hard there that I'll call you one day and surprise you with my own house. So that my sister can have a sister too,"

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