ISML 8: The Planned Marriage

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Tzuyu's PoV
I'm now here at our apartment waiting for my parents to pick me up. I know that this isn't important for me but for them it is.

They want me to come with them and I don't have a plan to disagree because if I became 25, I'm gonna reign our country.

I got cut off when my phone buzz indicating that I got a text.

My mom said that they are now there outside the building so I just need to sneak out quietly so my members won't wake up.

When I successfully made my way out of my room, I drag my suitcase with me and slowly open the door.

When I open it quietly and close it quietly as well, I made my way to the elevator but got startled when someone grabs my suitcase.

"I should be the one who's bringing this your highness" I sigh in relief when I heard our butler's voice.

"You literally scare me earlier Arman," I said and smile at him.

We made our way out of the building and I can see our limo even if I'm just in front of the elevator.

"I'm sorry earlier your highness" Arman spoke when we got outside the elevator. "It's ok Arman," I said and pat his shoulder.

Arman is one of our trusted butler and my childhood friend. I know my parents have their own best friend but I don't have, just have Arman as my friend.

"You're so tall now Tzuyu and beautiful as time goes by," he said when we are now outside the limo.

"Thank you, Arman, you're really the best," I said and hug him. When we are kids, if one of us complements the other, we just hug him/her.

"Ehem" I pulled away when I heard a fake cough. "I know that you miss each other's company kids but we have a flight," Dad said.

I didn't notice that he's now outside. "Oh.... yeah sorry," I said and quickly go to my Dad.

"Good morning Dad," I said and kiss his cheeks. "Morning Honey" Dad greeted back.

"Ok let's go now, we have a flight to attend, and Arman you can place the suitcase in the van," Dad said and Arman nods his head.

I miss my parents and my childhood friend but I can't go to Taiwan just to visit them because there's so much paparazzi outside.

"Good morning ma," I said once I saw my mother smiling at me. I do the same thing that I did to my Dad.

"Morning Honey, so how's your work here?" she asks once I get inside the limo. "It was great Ma, the staff and my members are all kind to me" I replied.

"That's great Honey but do you really want to be an idol?" Dad asks. We talk about it and they are ok but now they aren't?

What kind of mind do they have? I already said yes and now they are asking me..... again.

"Dad I already answer it and it's a yes remember?" I said more like asking. I know it sounded rude but what can I do?

"Oops, sorry my bad" Dad said and chuckle quietly. "But anyway, just rest for now I know that you're tired," Mom said and I nod. I really need to sleep.

Lisa's PoV
I'm just here in my gaming room. I came here yesterday and Dad said that I will know the reason why I'm here tomorrow which is today.

He said that we should wait for their best friends to come which is later at dinner.

I want to see Uncle C and Aunty C because I miss them.

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