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The woman stands in front of the multiple screens which overlook almost every nook and cranny of the building of their headquarters, spotting the familiar faces of the ones she had sent out on an errand. She cackles evilly when he sees two out of the four almost stumbling to get into the building, knowing that they're being chased by the timer that she has set for them. She looks for the sign of the items she had ordered, slightly frowning when she spots nothing that could look like the bars of dark chocolate she had requested.

She waits anyway and trails their movements through the panels, enjoying as she looks at them fumbling to enter the elevator to rise up to the twentieth floor, where the head of the security company's office and meeting rooms are. Only when they are running to arrive to Meeting Room #8 does the woman step out of the control room, intending to be the last person to arrive there.

Buttoning her pink suit jacket she nods slightly as she enters the meeting room, where all of them with Seonghwa being the last, stand up to greet her properly. Despite crossing 40 and putting up with a position that warrants stress to her everyday, her face bears no wrinkles and the two-time divorcee is clearly still in her prime years. She makes men and women alike, younger or older to be focusing their attention on her, both due to her demeanour and physical appearance.

She's not someone stingy of smiles, but at the same time she's not someone you'd want to be on bad terms with. She has been with the company for over 20 years, having been experiencing different levels of positions until her final one; their beloved head of the company, only a step down from the actual owner. In short, she's the one who runs the whole show, overlooking every single staff the company has recruited, trained and sent out.

She is what you call a hardworking person who knows no meaning of exhaustion, who also happens to have an immense love for pink. And dark chocolate.

"Madam," Seonghwa addresses her first, with the rest taking a second longer to bow down their heads before they take a seat around the meeting table. Yunho and San sit closest to her, and she questioningly looks at the four of them, waiting for any to produce the items she has ordered.

There is a beat of silence before Jongho exclaims, "Ah, right. Dark chocolate." He turns around to fish something out of his backpack, proudly producing two bars of dark chocolate, slightly melted and bearing the logo of her favourite chocolate company. "We went to ten different convenience stores looking for this specific kind." He makes a point to tap on the company's logo on the packaging before sliding them over to their boss. "Madam, your taste is exquisite but that only makes our job ten times harder."

Her eyes temporary light up as she spots the familiar typography of Beryz Chocolate before she swipes them over to herself, taking a glance to make sure that they had taken the correct 99% dark chocolate. When she confirms it she turns to look at them again, smiling, "And that is why I'm paying all of you gold. Although you're still considered trainees the four of you are my favourite sons. I assumed you went on a rampage at a funfair, managing to bring back that... penguin and teddy bear."

"Ah yes!" San says before excitedly showing her the teddy bear, making a point to hold its head and turn it from side to side. "Jongho helped us to claim both the plushies. And Madam, you won't believe what we have finally heard from someone. Someone actually think we look scary."

She scoffs. "All four of you, who look like a bunch of cinnamon rolls that would probably become the target first instead of scaring people away has someone saying that they look scary? Please, if you want to bluff your way through make it into something believable."

"You always say that our expressions need a lot of work because if we were to become a part of security personnel or become bodyguards, people would not be deterred by our faces-" Yunho adds.

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