= 7 =

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*This chapter contains a mature scene (nothing detailed but only implied), so if you are underaged or are uncomfortable with it, skip the parts that I marked in between the "======"*

*Edit: Also if you're wondering why I included the scene despite not doing that in any of my stories before, I have to clarify that there is a significance to the story; I didn't simply put it in without a purpose. And please don't be scared I don't write smut akjsdhakdh*

Their first week of becoming Soyeon's bodyguard has been uneventful to say the least. Just like what had been described of her, she's a homebody; she spends most of her time in her painting studio while her newly appointed bodyguards stand outside, looking out for nothing in particular. So far, nothing has been perceived a threat towards the candidate's daughter; she stays at home doing the same routine over and over again that her bodyguards start to think that having four of them is too much of a stretch. She doesn't even go out; Yeosang does the groceries for her - willingly, it seems - she has maids and several other workers maintaining the house for her.

They won't say she's someone snobbish; she does acknowledge them once in a while, but most of the time she doesn't talk to them. They know that she's not ignoring them; she's just someone who doesn't know how to maintain a conversation. When she does speak to them, it's like she's trying hard to come up with another sentence before they finish theirs, scared that they'll immediately perceive her as someone boring from their interactions through limited conversations. Whenever it's time to eat, she would invite them to eat together with her and Yeosang, but they politely refuse saying that they'll have turns eating because they can't let their guards down even though there might seem nothing.

With Yeosang, both of them have a suitable dynamic; he's not the type to talk much too, but when he's with Soyeon he does most of the talking, blabbering to her about the current news or complaining about something that didn't sit well with him as he went out to get the groceries. She would agree with him, laugh then proceed to return to her painting studio to continue with whatever she's been doing. He must have been used to this, as he would then shrug and do his own thing instead.

When she's not painting she would take a walk around the vast land surrounding the house and this is the only time she has ever asked for a favour from her bodyguards - she would ask any of them to walk forward and see whether there would be a possibility of her running into her father on the compound. Only when do they assure her that her father is not at home or is currently locked up inside his house does she start walking, simply enjoying the morning view or the sounds the animals make as they return to their own homes when the sun starts to set.

During one of her evening walks through the garden accompanied by Yunho and San, Yunho suddenly has the urge of asking something. When Yunho nudges San back and forth to ask whether it's appropriate to be asking her this, Soyeon notices before spinning around, halting her bodyguards in their places.

"Is there something you wanted to ask me?" she asks, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She has let her long hair loose and the wind is brushing through her strands, messing them up as her hands attempt to calm them down. When she has given up on trying to tame her messy hair she puts down her arms. Even then, both of them still haven't answered her question. "I know that I might seem a bit... distant," she grimaces, "but I'm just not good with... socializing. I do hope you understand my situation."

"Oh no!" Yunho chirps before attempting to avoid any misunderstandings. "We weren't worried about that because we understand. It's just that... this might be a personal thing to ask so I'll let it past."

"Come on, all four of you seem like good guys to me. Foreign concept but I'm literally trusting you with my life, so I doubt you would ask something that I won't want to answer."

Mirrored Match // ATEEZ ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon