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His phone rings as instinctively, he takes it out from the inside of his jacket, puts it to his ear and he clicks the answer button. Usually he would be unwavering in denying any calls from an unknown number, knowing that if he were to answer them, the people he has been carefully avoiding for at least more than a year will start drilling into his mind, asking him to come back home.

This time around, he has let his guard down as his mind is preoccupied with the case of the Reflectors which happened early this morning, completely putting down the defense he has as he avoids the persistent calls.

As he hears the other person on the line greeting him, he almost laughs at his own carelessness. He should have immediately ended the call, yet he knows that running away and ignoring the calls do little to the fact that he has to face his fate sooner or later.

"Young master San," the voice on the other end gets riddled with surprise, relief and disbelief as he can't believe that the call finally went through. "We have been trying to contact you for ages, and I cannot believe that you are finally answering one of our calls."

San grips the phone in his hand, exhaling. He doesn't know what to answer; he never expected this day to come so soon. However the other person on the line is more than happy to accommodate his silence.

"Sir and Madam Choi would like to extend their regards to you ever since they saw you at Bae Wonshik's party that day. They are humbly asking you to return home, and whatever thoughts they had about you taking up the job at the security company to be put behind."

San finally finds his voice back. "How easy it is for them to pretend like whatever they said about my job didn't hurt." He inhales deeply, "Instead of sending you to be talking to me, why don't they directly talk to me? Are they still holding on to their senseless pride?"

"Young master," the voice sounds exasperated now. "You have to understand their feelings as parents. They were simply worried about you taking on a dangerous job; it was never about the status. And that is why, I am formally inviting you for lunch after a long time with them. They miss their only son, and they promise to never question your choices for your job again."

He looks down at his feet, saying, "I can't have lunch with mom and dad. I'm currently on the job, and my client needs me more than before. It's a dangerous world out there; send my regards to mom and dad along with my apologies for not being able to attend. I may have answered this call, but don't expect me to do the same after. Mr. Moon," he refers to the person who called him, "take care too, and I am sorry that you have to be in between the war I have with my parents."

"Young master-" Mr. Moon on the other line replies but he hangs up.

San sighs as he leans against the windowsill, his breath hitched as he thumps his head against the glass window. He intends to lean against the window as he turns around, but gets caught with astonishment when he sees Danbi with her head poked out from the corner, looking sheepish. He doesn't say anything, but merely trails her with his eyes as she approaches him cautiously.

"I'm sorry." She fiddles with her fingers as she knows that she's been caught eavesdropping. "I was looking for you and when I put a call through it seemed that the line was busy. When I found you I wanted to say something but I realized that you were on the phone. I accidentally heard your conversation and it seemed-" she bites her lower lip. "I'm sorry," she repeats. "I shouldn't have eavesdropped."

He lifts up his eyebrows before shrugging, putting away his phone. "It's fine," he chuckles. "There's nothing to hide."

"Your... parents?" she asks. "You said that you couldn't attend lunch with them because of your job."

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