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Both of them tilt their heads to the left, then to the right before they straighten themselves up, full of questions when looking at the anomaly presented to them. Then they look at each other before attempting to stop themselves from bursting into laughter. The person in front of them narrows her eyes, fists already formed as she flies towards them and hits their heads with her fists; their shouts of pain mixing with their laughter. After realizing that her hitting them has little to no effect on them, she gives up but ends up joining their laughter; something contagious to her.

"I told you two potatoes to tell me how I look, not laugh like seals," Danbi screeches. "I said!" she hits them again, "stop!" an attempt to pull Hongjoong and Mingi into a headlock, "laughing!"

"Pft-" Mingi clamps his lips together but sounds of laughter keep coming up from the back of his throat. He has tears in his eyes until he feels like his stomach is hurting from laughing too much.

"Since when-" Hongjoong struggles to say something in between laughter, "do you wear-" he presses his lips again in an attempt to kill the laughter reappearing, "pencil skirts?"

"Shut up!" She slaps a hand on the back of their heads a little bit too hard that almost makes them lose their memories from the sheer force.

It manages to make Mingi stay quiet, before Hongjoong stops laughing gradually. Both the latter and Danbi look at Mingi slowly, creasing their foreheads. Mingi is staring into the distance, looking out of it.

"Are you... okay?" Hongjoong asks.

"I think," Mingi breathes in, "I just lost a few of my brain cells and some memories from that hit alone." He looks at both of them forlornly, "I forgot both of your names."

"Stop kidding," she says.

"I'm not; I really can't recall your names. You..." he points a finger to Danbi, "look like you eat some mean soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Someone who bullies me- AHHH stop pulling my ear KIM DANBI!"

Danbi gives them the sweetest smile while her eyes shoot daggers at him. "You didn't forget my name, you idiotic lamp post. You even said my full name. If you want me to make you remember again-"

"Okay, okay stop touching me and making my soul suffer every day. It's like you get your energy from bullying Song Mingi. From all the years I lived with you I think I've lost at least a thousand brain cells."

She doesn't lose her momentum before she shrugs. "But you can't lose something you don't have."

"Oooh," Hongjoong hisses.

Mingi crosses his arms, looking dissatisfied as his mouth says, "Fine, you win this round Kim Danbi. But next time," he points two fingers to his eyes, then to hers, indicating that he'll be watching her, "I will take the throne in this house."

"You're always welcome to, Your Majesty." She lifts up her eyebrows, the corner of her lips rising to form a smile. Then she looks down at her own attire, "But seriously, do I look too stupid in this formal attire? I've got an interview at this huge company in Kalmia District and I was thinking of making, you know, a good impression."

"Wait, you really got an interview? You weren't joking when you said that you wanted to work at a big company?" Hongjoong looks genuinely surprised and proud, even. "I never thought you'd get to it so fast."

"There was a job vacancy, but it's only for this job... called a general worker. I don't know, there wasn't really much of a description, but basically once you get this job you just... do whatever is told of you. Not those that require skills though; just some simple things around the company. Doing menial and repetitive tasks probably. Still, it pays much better than all the part-time jobs I have. So maybe if I get the job I'll be quitting the others."

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