• uncles babysit •

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March 31st 1984

Harry bounced happily in his Uncle's lap, enjoying watching the Jungle Book immensely

Sirius couldn't understand the movie, it was a bunch of animals talkings and this weird hypnotizing snake ... but Harry seemed to like it, especially the snake

His godson suddenly let out a small squeal of delight sitting forward and clapping his hands excitedly as the bear character seemed to be breaking into song

Sirius, watched nearly as mesmerized as Harry by the film. He of course had not grown up watching any muggle shows and found it fascinating

"Da bear nefebedees!" Harry said happily singing along as the bear began to sing, the bear necessities

Sirius smiled at his nephew and gently began to bounce him, grinning wider as he heard Harry's happy giggles

Sirius took Harry's little arms and moved them around, making Harry do silly dance moves

Lupin let out a small chuckle and leaned against the doorframe, finding the sight of his friend and nephew highly amusing

Once the song ended Harry clapped his hands and cuddled into Sirius, a sight that warmed Remus' heart

Harry smiled and began to babble about random things that neither Sirius nor Remus could understand

"I'm glad your enjoying yourself" Remus said amused as he studied his friend who was now attentively watching the movie Lily had brought Harry with

"Shhh I need to hear what's going to happen" Sirius said, listening attentively for a few seconds before scoffing in surprise

"That wasn't very nice of Baloo was it pringle?"

Harry shook his head looking at the TV sadly with his thumb in his mouth

Sirius kissed Harry's cheek and gently brushed the small child's messy black hair back, though it stubbornly continued to stick up in a wild mess that greatly resembled his father's

Remus took a seat beside his friend and grinned, "Are you going to be a able to give Harry back to James and Lily? You seem so attached to him" he joked gently elbowing his friend's arm

James and Lily were both busy with work for the weekend and left their son alone with Sirius, though Sirius knew he wouldn't be able to do it alone and asked Remus to help him out so his friend was accompanying him for the weekend

Sirius rolled his eyes and hugged the tiny boy in his arms tighter

"Well whenever you two are ready lunch is waiting" Remus said softly

Harry's eyes went wide, "wunch wunch!"

Remus chuckled, "what's the magic word little one?"

"Pweeeezeee" Harry said, flashing a wide toothy grin

Remus gently rubbed Harry's hair, "alright little one"

"Moony I just about got his hair to lay flat and you had to ruin it!"

Remus sighed, "his hair will never lay flat Sirius"

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