• staff meeting •

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May 4th 1986

"Mummy watch me! I have da fowce"

Harry extended his little arm and settled on a very focused look on his face

Lily watched with a small smile as the small toy Harry was reaching for magically flew into his hand

"Did you see mummy did you see?! I'm a Jedi!"

Lily smiled, "oh yes Harry that's very cool sweetheart" she gently fluffed Harry's thick dark hair and looked over at James who had his wand hidden away but was clearly the one causing the magic to happen

James smiled and shrugged at lily, though lily felt nothing except overwhelming love for her husband in that moment

"Daddy daddy wets have a wighsaber batto!" Harry said happily roughly shoving one of his toy lightsabers into his father's chest before grabbing his own

James grinned, "Are you ready for this munchkin? I'm going to destroy you!"

"No you won't daddy because I'm a Jedi!"

"Well I'm Dark Vader!"

"No daddy it's darth vader" Harry whispered quietly

"Sorry" James whispered and then cleared his throat, "I'm darth vader and im going to destroy my own son...luke skyrunner!"

"Daddy! It's skywoker" Harry corrected quietly

"Right right of course, I'm going to destroy my son luke skywalker"

Harry squealed and began to swing his lightsaber at James who defensively held his own out in a blocking defensive gesture

"I'm gonna destwoy you!!" Harry yelled though before he could carry through lily walked between them

"Boys please we have people coming over and I'd like the house, and my family, to be in decent condition"

"But mummy" Harry whined

"No harry, you can play after they leave, it'll only be an hour honey and then you can beat your father because I'm sure you will"

"Hey!" James scoffed offended, frowning at lily 

She shot him a stern look and then returned her glance to Harry, "Harry can you go clean up the family room and then get dressed"

Harry frowned but nodded, "okay Mummy" he slowly walked away and gathered his many toys

"James can you get dressed too please"

"I am dressed honey"

"James you can't wear your pyjamas for this meeting, it's for Hogwarts"

James rolled his eyes, "why are we having it here?"

"Because I offered, it'll be nice to have a change from Dumbledores office don't you think?"

"No" James said harshly standing up and slowly going upstairs

Lily sighed and shook her head, often James acted more the part of a five year old than Harry

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