• morning cuddles •

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September 3rd 1984

A light thump sounded as Harry landed on his parents bed

He crawled over to James and laid directly on top of his sleeping father

"Monin!" He exclaimed happily pulling at his father's eyelids to try and get him to wake up and entertain him

James grumbled and shoved Harry away but the little persistent bugger wasn't deterred in the slightest, he actually seemed to enjoy the rough housing and let out a small giggle

He struggled slightly as he forced himself between James and Lily, a new hate of his was when James kissed, touched, or held Lily. Again, a full display of his mummy's boy tendencies

"No daddy" Harry whined angrily, forcing James' hand away from Lily

Lily smiled, "aww baby you're so cute" she pulled Harry into her chest where he snuggled up happily

James crossed his arms, jealous of his son's manipulative ways "what a little..."

"James" Lily said softly, reminding her husband that cursing at Harry would be a bad decision

"Yes yes I know love" James huffed out angrily, crossing his arms and pouting as he stared at his son's happy little face

Lily gently rubbed Harry's back, sliding her hand through his thick black hair which likely was due for a trim

James was about to comment on that when Harry suddenly gasped and sat up, "Mummy Mummy I go I go!"

Lily smiled softly and lowered her son to the floor, watching with love as he ran into the bathroom, his little legs looking absolutely adorable as he went

James looked at Lily with a smile, sliding closer to her and taking her small hand in his own

"We can thank Sirius for teaching the little muppet how to go" James said, suddenly very grateful for his friends' effort and the sudden and rare break he now had to be alone with Lily

Lily smiled, "he still has a lot of work to do James"

James rolled his eyes kissed his wife's shoulder, savouring every moment knowing that little prince Harry would have a fit if he saw such behaviours from his father

"You know Harry's possessiveness of you is getting me really angry" James muttered quietly, gently sucking on Lily's pale neck 

"Is it?" She asked smoothly, tilting her head to the side to allow James more access

"Definitely" He continued to trace kisses up Lily's neck, slowly inching upward until he finally reached her lips. He placed a very long savoury kiss to her full lips momentarily forgetting about all his worries

"D-daddy! Daddy hewp pweeeze"

James ignored his son, thinking perhaps it was his imagination playing tricks on him. He continued to kiss his wife smiling against her lips as his hands slid down to her hips. He was about to give a firm squeeze but was gently pushed away, "you heard your son did you not?"

James mentally cursed realizing what he thought was his imagination was in fact reality, "Lils come on..."

"Nope your son needs you" she said with a happy smile, crossing her arms and giving James a perfect smile

James was unsure if he knew what she was doing to him, crossing her arms over her chest like that and smiling in that seductive way ... but he supposed if he wanted to enjoy his wife later on he better do as she said now

"Alright fine" James sighed and got up and walked the short distance to the bathroom, knocking on the door softly, "Harry? Can I come in munchkin?"

"Daddy..." Harry's voice sounded close to tears, hearing his son in such a state made James quickly push the door open to find Harry standing in a small puddle

"Daddy I sowwy I...I..." Harry began to bawl hiding his face in his shirt and shaking as he sobbed

"Harry kiddo, it's okay munchkin don't worry accidents happen and you're still learning"

James walked to his son and lifted Harry's small chin with his finger, "it's an easy fix bubs, but if you want we won't tell mummy okay?" James smiled as kindly as he could. He then winked at his son, revealed his wand and spelling away the mess, making sure to cast a cleaning charm on his son as well

Harry's eyes went wide with wonder, "woah can I twy Daddy?"

James chuckled, "not yet kiddo, when you turn eleven then you can get your own wand but not before"

Harry slightly pouted

James grinned suddenly understanding why Lily was trying to avoid using wands in front of Harry as often as possible out of fear that he would steal one and attempt his own magic

James easily scooped his very light son into a hug. Harry wrapped his tiny arms around James' neck, "f-fank you Daddy"

James placed a soft kiss to his son's head and gently bopped his Harry's little nose

Harry let out a small little giggle and scrunched his shoulders up to his cheeks

"Harry look I've got your nose!"

James fooled his son and watched amused as Harry felt at his face, "Daddy no no! Gimme!" Harry reached for James' hand and when James opened it to show his son nothing was there Harry's face looked so adorably puzzled

"Aww kiddo how come you're so cute? Huh?" He gently threw Harry into the air and caught him, enjoying how happy his son was, he hated when Harry cried

"I wuv you daddy!" Harry suddenly blurted out amidst a large fit of giggles

James smiled lovingly at his son, "I love you more Harry"

"I wuv mummy m-mowe"

James sighed and held his heart, "Harry why do you have to be so mean!" James jokingly said as he pretended to cry

Harry at first squealed happily, kicking his feet as he giggled. Though when James didn't stop his fake crying Harry became deeply concerned, "daddy no I sowwy"

James quickly began to tickle Harry causing him to squirm and squeal

Eventually he had to stop seeing his son's red little face and feeling slightly guilty for the torturing of his son

He walked Harry out to Lily and surprisingly, for the first time, Harry didn't immediately try to get to Lily, he instead cuddled into his daddy smiling wide

James held his son close feeling arrogant and happy as he gave Lily a smug grin

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