• school •

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September 5, 1985

"Okay Harry you're all set!" Lily said happily, putting Harry's little napsack onto him

Harry smiled happily and turned to face his parents, his little glasses were almost slipping off his nose as he smiled at his parents

Lily crouched down and straightened his little spectacles and then placed a long kiss against his forehead

"I'll see you tonight sweetheart lily said as she hugged onto Harry tightly"

Harry wrapped his little arms around lily, "bye bye mummy i wuv you!"

"Oh I love you too angel"

She then pulled away from him and smiled at James who picked Harry up and hugged him tight, "don't listen to everything uncle Moony tells you alright kiddo?"

"James..." lily sighed, "Harry don't listen to your father, listen to your uncle please"

"Okay!" Harry said happily wrapping his arms around James' neck, "wuv you Daddy!"

"I love you too munchkin" James then set Harry on the ground where he ran to go knock on his uncles door, though his little backpack was so big for him he looked so silly running

"Oh James...he's growing up too fast" lily said as she held her heart

"Honey he's only five...and this isn't even real school, when he goes to Hogwarts he'll be in school for like ten months—"

"Don't remind me" lily said annoyed

"But, we'll get to see him still because we'll be working...hopefully"

Lily nodded and let out a gasp seeing Harry wave at them before he entered into the house

"I hope this goes well..." lily said nervously, Harry had so far despised every learning activity Lily had tried with him, he often would be reduced to frustrated tears

"It'll be fine honey, we should get going" James said as he kissed Lily's head

"Oh alright"

They bother took each other's arms and turned on their heals apparating back to their own house

* * *

Harry hugged onto his uncles leg happy, "unco moony!!"

"Hello little one are you excited?"

Harry shook his head

"Oh why not Harry?"

"Because I don' wike wearning"

"You don't like learning huh? Well how about I promise yo make it extra extra easy for you?"

"Okay!" Harry said happily as he walked into the living room where a large table was sat with two other boys

"Nevo!" Harry squealed, rubbing to his friend and standing on his tip toes to try and hug the other boy

"Haaaary!" Neville said happily hopping off his chair and hugging his fiend, it was funny to see because Neville was much larger than Harry

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