• homesick •

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March 25th 1987


"Harry honey you'll be fine...you're going to be with Ron and all of his family!"

"But mummy I'm going to miss you...a-and Daddy..."

"Oh pumpkin" lily crouched down to Harry's small height and pulled her son into a hug, "there's no need to be homesick kiddo...you'll always be in mummy's heart and I'll always be in your heart"

Harry gently placed his tiny hand over his chest, and looked up at lily hesitantly

"Yeah kiddo I'll be right there aaand...you still have the photo of daddy and me that uncle Moony gave you so you can see us if you miss us okay?"

Harry nodded and quickly hugged his mum

Harry had always been a bit clingy and as he's gotten older it hadn't phased at all, he seemed to constantly fear that something awful would happen to his parents or that he'd never get to see them again

It was heartbreaking to Lily because no matter what she said or did Harry remained with the fear

She took his hand and walked him up to the Weasley's house where Molly opened the door

"Hello Harry!"

"Hewo..." Harry said shyly, shuffling his feet and looking embarrassed

"Go on sweetheart" lily said gently nudging him forward, he slowly entered the house and looked at lily with those heartbreaking green eyes

"I'll see you tomorrow Harry...mummy loves you"

"I -I wuv you too mummy" Harry said quickly

This was his first time staying overnight at anyone's house, excluding when he was an infant, and Harry was sure to experience large levels of homesickness

He waved goodbye to lily sadly before molly quickly ushered him inside

"Here Harry let me take your pack for you" she helped Harry out of his large backpack and smiled at him

"Ron! Harry's here!"

Ron cane running down the stairs smiling immediately at the sight of Harry

"Harry!!" Ron quickly went to Harry and hugged him, it was adorable because Ron was a lot taller than Harry and the hug was a little awkward

"Harry wets go pwaay!"

Ron nodded and smiled, following Ron outside where the little broom shed was

He got Harry and himself little brooms and the two wizzed around pretending to be quiddiych players, both giggling and squealing happily

Rons older twin brothers soon joined the game, all of them having a good time and goofing around as they pretended to be famous quidditch players

"Boys dinners ready!"

They all quickly went inside and sat at the table all eager for dinner

• Growing up Harry •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن